
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Economy 320 Money and Banking Essay

The Federal Open market Committee has twelve voting members. Seven of these members are the board of governors who are appointed by the president and serve for terms that are fourteen years long. The appointment has to be approved by the senate. The reason as to why the terms are long is so that the committee can be freed from presidential and political influence. The years also end on 31st of every even year eliminating the possibility of a president appointing a majority of the board in their four year terms. The board members are permanent voters and vote every time the exercise is carried out. One of the remaining five positions is filled by the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who is a permanent voter while the rest of the positions are filled by the remaining eleven Federal Reserve Banks on a rotation basis. These include the Reserve Federal Banks of Cleveland, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, St. Louis, Atlanta, Richmond, Kansas City, San Francisco and Minneapolis. Chicago and Cleveland vote alternatively (vote once in every two years) while the rest of nine Reserve Banks vote after every two years (vote once in three years). This committee is important as it functions to formulate and regulate monetary policy for the country’s Federal Reserve System . which describes the actions implemented by the central bank. The committee also determines the capability of the Federal Reserve joining the Treasury department in the intervention of foreign exchange. It is important to note that the Federal Reserve is in charge of the monetary policy tools which include discount rate and the reserve requirements which are controlled by the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System. The third tool which is market operations is the third tool controlled by the Open Market Committee. Where does the power lie within this committee? The power lies with the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The New York Fed also acts as the vice chairman to the committee and is a permanent voting member. In the event he is not present during a voting session, his place can not be taken by another Fed, rather, one of his vice presidents votes in his place. This is because the New York Fed plays an important role in the system such as carrying out intervention in the foreign exchange market in the event it is required and conducting all the open market operations for the Federal Reserve. 2. If the Fed lends five banks an additional total of $100 million but depositors withdraw $50 million and hold it as currency, what happens to reserves and the monetary base? From the above question, there will an increase in the Reserves by $50 million, while the MB (Money base) is increased by $100 million. Banks Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Reserves +$50 M Discount loans +$100 M Deposits -$50 M -$50 M Balance Sheet of Fed Assets Liabilities Discount loans + $100M Reserves +$ 50M Currency +$50M 3. What are the advantages AND disadvantages of inflation targeting? Advantages Inflation targeting unlike exchange rate peg makes it possible for the monetary policy to focus and concentrate on domestic considerations that need to be addressed and respond appropriately shocks that are affecting the domestic economy. When compared to money targeting, inflation targeting is advantageous in that its success is not hampered to a great extend by the stability in the relationship between money and inflation (Mishkin, 2007). This is because instead of depending on such relationships, it utilizes all the information that is available in determining the best strategy and settings for the monetary policy tools. Inflation targeting is also easy to explain to the public as it can easily be understood enhancing transparency. This increases accountability on the central bank’s part (Mishkin, 2007). It also makes it possible to eliminate the possibility of the central bank falling into traps such as time-inconsistency because of the enhanced transparency. Eliminating time-inconsistency which is usually caused by central bank being politically pressured to undertake monetary policy that is overly expansionary makes it possible for inflation targeting to focus and concentrate on political debate that is directed towards what the steps the central bank can take to address issues such as unemployment, increase output growth and external competitiveness through formulations of the monetary policy (Mishkin, 2007). Disadvantages Inflation targeting is associated with some disadvantages as a monetary policy strategy. The method is argued to be too rigid such that it has no allowance for changes in the event they need to be done fast. The method is also said to have the potential of allowing discretion which is not good as it hinders transparency hence accountability of the central bank (Mishkin, 2007). The strategy also feared to be capable of lowering the rate of economic growth as it has the potential of increasing the output instability. Inflation targeting is also argued by critics to only be able to produce weak accountability on the part of the central bank because of the fact that inflation can not easily be controlled and also because of the long lags that exist from the monetary policy tools to the outcome of the inflation. This is a serious problem specifically for countries that have emerging markets. Inflation targeting is also said to be incapable of preventing fiscal dominance (Mishkin, 2007). The exchange rate flexibility that must exist for the inflation targeting to be function can result to financial instability which is very crucial for emerging market countries. 4. You often read in the newspaper that the Fed has just lowered the discount rate. Does this signal that the Fed is moving to a more expansionary monetary policy? Why? One of the instruments used by the Fed to formulate the monetary policies is discount rate. This is the interest charged on loans given to depository institution by the Federal Reserve Bank. This interest is the only one Fed usually charges. Banks usually loan each other money and would not go to the Fed under normal circumstances. However during economic and financial crisis such as the current recession, most banks raise the interest charged on the loans they lend to other banks, in an effort to help banks especially the small ones which are not in a position to afford the high rates demanded by big banks, the Fed usually offer loans to these banks to enable them maintain the reserve requirement they need hence run their operations as usual. The interest rates on these loans are usually low making it easier for banks to borrow from the Fed what they need to remain in business. Market analysts and experts argue that as much as the Fed has the responsibility of lending money to banks in times of need, its announcement of lowered discount rate usually is an indication of a more expansionary monetary policy to come. This is because of the impact lowering discount rates have on the government’s finance. The effects are positive when well managed and if the country recovers quickly from the financial crises. This is because low discount rate is usually the last resort that banks turn to in the event of crises. A decline in interest rates also affects government finance. It is done to lower inflation rates as it increases the number of available projects at a cheap price attracting investors to invest so that there is no money floating around. This is based on the fact that the more money there is the higher the rate of inflation. Lowering the discount rate is hence signals another monetary policy on the way. 5. What happens to nominal GDP if the money supply grows by 20% but velocity declines by 30%? M*V = P*Y a %&? 916; PY = %&? 916; M + %&? 916; V = 20% – 30% = -10% If the money supply grows by 20% and the velocity decreases by 30%, the nominal GDP will decrease by 10 percent. 6. If Mexicans go on a spending spree and buy twice as much French perfume, Japanese TVs, English sweaters, Swiss watches, and Italian wine, what will happen to the value of the Mexican peso? This would result to a negative value being reported during the trading period as the imports will have exceeded the exports resulting to a trade deficit. This would have a great impact on the Mexico’s foreign exchange market. A trade deficit as the one described above, Mexico will have to convert its peso to the currencies of the countries it is importing from. Since it is buying from many countries in large amounts, the supply and presence of the peso will increase on the forex markets causing the peso to lose value as they will no demand for it. The value of Mexican peso would therefore decrease against the French, Japanese English, Swiss and Italian currencies (Mishkin, 2007). 7. If the money supply is 250 and nominal income is 1,900, the velocity of money is v= (P ? Y)/M Where v is velocity, P = price level Y = 1,900 M = 250 Since the price level is not given, velocity of money can also be calculated by dividing the GDP value with that one of money in circulation. Hence v = GDP/ money supply, v=1900/250 v=7. 6 8. What are the key advantages of exchange-rate targeting as a monetary policy strategy? The advantages associated with exchange-rate targeting are several. They include the fact that its nominal anchor is able to fix the rate of inflation of goods that are traded internationally. This enables the strategy to keep country’s inflation rate under control. A credible exchange rate target has the potential of anchoring the inflation expectations to the rate of the anchor country that has its currency pegged (Mishkin, 2007). Exchange rate target has the potential of eliminating the occurrence of time-inconsistency of the central bank if commitment is present as it provides rules of conduct that should be complied with. Exchange rate target strategy is alas simple and clear making it easier for the public to understand hence increasing transparency and accountability of the central bank (Mishkin, 2007). 9. If a pill were invented that made workers twice as productive but their wages did not change, what would happen to the position of the short-run aggregate supply curve? Aggregate supply is used to determine the volume of products (goods or services) produced in an economy at a certain given price level (Mishkin, 2007). The relationship between the aggregate supply and the general price level is such that an increase in price levels implies that the business has to expand and increase its production so as to meet the demand for its products. Increased demand hence results to expansion in the economy’s aggregate supply. Aggregate supply can also be described as the total amount of goods and services present in an economy at all possible (low or high) price levels (Mishkin, 2007). In the short run, nominal wages of employees does not change while production output increases. This implies higher profits. In the event the event the price levels rise, the short-run aggregate supply curve would have an upward sloping because the nominal wages are fixed while the output (production) is rising. However in the event the prices of the products were not increasing, this curve would remain horizontal (Mishkin, 2007). 10. Explain the law of one price and the theory of purchasing power parity. Why doesn’t the purchasing power parity explain all exchange rate movements? What factors determine long-run exchange rates? The law of one price postulates that for a market to be efficient, all goods that are identical in functionality should be sold at one price (Mishkin, 2007). This law is very closely related to the out comes of globalization and the different free trade areas and markets. It seeks to explain that in future, all countries and market areas in the world will earn the same amount of money for equal amount of work/service, product and their quality (Mishkin, 2007). This implies that all sellers will look for markets that have prevailing high prices while the buyers will flock to sellers that are offering low prices for the goods and services. This will force the sellers to converge and agree on one price for the goods. Purchasing-power parity is a theory that explains how the exchange rate is determined and provides a way of comparing the cost of goods and services amongst countries. It postulates that when domestic purchasing power of a country is equivalent to that of another one at a particular exchange rate then the exchange rate between their currencies will be at equilibrium (Mishkin, 2007). This takes form of the law f one price eventuality in which at some point in life it is considered that similar goods will have the same price irrespective of the location or country. Purchasing power parity does not explain all exchange rate movements because the comparisons used in the method have the potential of being misleading (Mishkin, 2007). Most comparisons are usually based on the living standards of the citizens of the countries in context. It is done through assumption that the real value of the goods and services is the same in both the countries being compared. This can however be misleading as cultures vary such that what is considered to be a luxury may not be the same in the other country. Purchasing power parity has no allowance for this diversity hence the exchange rate based on this method differs depending on the goods chosen for use for the index. The major factors that determine long-run exchange rates are inflation and expectations. This is because a change in the levels of money supply causes price levels to change. Inflation also causes increase in the nominal interest rate to its long run rate during the phase of transition. Expectations of inflation usually result to increase in the expected returns on the foreign currency causing domestic currency to lose value (depreciate) before the transition phase (Mishkin, 2007). Since rate of inflation is always on the increase due to the increase in growth rate of money supplies, nominal interest rate also increases. Other factors include yield differentials (difference in interest rates) in the various countries, the flow money/funds used for buying stocks and bonds, the countries’ public debts band the trade balance merchandise (Mishkin, 2007). Word count: 2400. Reference

Friday, August 30, 2019

How smart are sheep? Essay

How Smart Are Sheep by Barbara Drake is about the intelligence of sheep and the studies that have been conducted to prove that sheep can feel different emotions and recognize dogs and humans as their enemies. Evolution has re-wired the sheep brain to know to hate and stay away from humans and dogs. Brain activity research in sheep has shown that sheep see dogs and humans as more alike than comparing the human and the dog to themselves. Drake explains that â€Å"Of course, fro ma distance, if a human being gets down on all fours, there is little uncertainty and the sheep’s brain may start sending ‘possible other sheep’ signals until the sheep gets close enough to realize its mistake† (247). Research has also found that sheep have emotions. They have been known to feel and display moods of fear and happiness. For example: when sheep see an approaching human they will start to feel fearful or if an approaching human is carrying a bag of grains for them to eat then they will start to feel happy because they know that they are about to eat. Drake believes that people who believe that animals do not have feelings or emotions are just trying to find an excuse not to feel bad about the horrible things that we do to animals to be able to harvest their bodies for food. â€Å"If a creature has no feelings, it can feel no pain,† Drake explains is the common clichà © phrase that humans use to make themselves feel better about the harmful things we do to animals as a society (248). The feeling of happiness sheep feel when a human is bringing them food is not because of the human, but it is that the human is bringing them. Bummer lambs, which cannot be brought up by their mothers, are bottle-fed and are most commonly known to display happy emotions when their bottles are being brought to them. The bummer lambs start to become hostile and resentful when it’s human starts to wean it from its bottle. Drake has â€Å"seen weaned bummers use a resentful kind of body language that can only be called sulking† (248). This kind of behavior is the beginning of the behavior that has naturally been wired into their brains to dislike humans. Other research shows that sheep produce more excitable brainwaves when being shown a picture of horned sheep. If a sheep is shown a picture of a sheep upside down it will not recognize the sheep because, usually, sheep are only recognizable on all fours. Drake states, â€Å"In fact, a sheep on its back is liable to be in trouble† (249). Sheep have been categorized as stupid because of their  strong herding instincts. Entire herds of sheep have been known to walk off of cliffs just because their leader went off first. Sheep were tested below the intelligence level of horses and cattle when presented a bucket of feed that was covered in in a black cloth. It took the sheep more than several tries to figure out that the cloth has to be removed to retrieve the food. Another test showed that in single-trial learning, sheep knew how to recognize a plant they shouldn’t eat after only eating it once. Lambs also learn this by example from their mothers. Sheep also know to go into their pens at night and how to sort themselves into the ram and ewe sides of the pen. Drake encountered an eight-month old lamb that was lost and was trying to find its way home. Not sure where the lamb belonged, Drake sold the lamb to some people who lived on the other side of town. A few weeks later the lamb had gone missing. The lamb had panicked and jumped the fence because it had been left all alone in the pen by itself. â€Å"This time when the new owners returned the lamb to their farm, they made sure there were a couple of ewes waiting for them in the pen,† Drake explained, concerning the lamb that had escaped (251).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Charting a New Course for Schools Essay

Marc Tucker’s article, â€Å"Charting a New Course for Schools,† highlights the most urgent problems that the American education system currently faces. He mentions the need to reform the education system in order to compete in today’s global economy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tucker pointed out the deficiencies of the educational system in the country today. Furthermore, he stressed on the need to implement changes to the system. The author focused on information that evidently shows why there is an urgent need to overhaul the educational system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Tucker, the report of New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce, â€Å"Tough Choices or Tough Times, provides an overview of the current status of the American labor force. It shows how the American workers are lagging behind workers from developing countries in terms of skills and abilities. Also, Tucker points out that workers from developing countries possess the same skills and knowledge as American workers and yet are paid lower wages. This poses a problem for American workers since it is a given that any business man would choose to lower costs for the same quality. American workers are losing their edge in the labor market due to the antiquated education system of the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The dilemma for American workers is this, they must either give up their current standard of living or they must improve themselves in terms of skills, talents, and abilities. The latter, according to Tucker, is the reason why a revamp of the country’s education system has become a necessity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tucker points out two criteria that the United States must meet in order for its workers to continue commanding their high wages and maintain their standard of living. The author says that first, American workers must match the best academic performance in the world. At the same time, Tucker said, the country must offer workers that are the most creative and innovative.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The article also highlighted the characteristics of a premium worker or the worker that deserves to be paid premium wages. According to the author American workers should become premium workers in order to receive the current wages that they are receiving. He described a premium worker as someone who has a high level of preparation in the general areas of reading, speaking, mathematics, history, literature, fine arts, and science. Furthermore, a premium worker should be comfortable with new ideas and abstractions. He must also be creative and possess the imagination to come up with meaningful and useful products for the company. Premium workers must also possess the ability to solve problems by using their knowledge from various fields. Lastly, Tucker described a premium worker as someone who is a team player and can easily adapt to the various changes around him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Premium workers are products of a good and up-to-date educational system. This is the current problem of the education in the country as the current system is no longer adept with the conditions of today. To tackle this problem, Tucker suggested seven steps that can be taken to reform the American educational system. First, Tucker suggested charting a new course for student progression through the system. This requires a total reorganization of the system and opening of new educational opportunities as the students progress. Secondly, the author pointed out the need to reinvest resources where they are most needed and where they will be most efficiently used. This means that available resources should be allocated to areas of the system which can produce the greatest amount of rewards for the students. Another step is to initiate a universal preschool educational system. Tucker viewed preschool education as the foundation of school-based learning. If students are to become highly-skilled workers, they must have a good education foundation and preschool education is the integral aspect of such foundation. For teacher recruitment, Tucker suggested that schools recruit those coming from the top third of the college class. This will ensure highly-educated and competent teachers. Moreover, Tucker suggested the adoption of high-performance management modes to improve schools and districts. Also, he pointed out the need to provide strong support to disadvantaged students. Finally, he proposed the rebuilding of standards, assessment, and curriculum to reflect today’s needs and tomorrow’s requirements. In general, Marc Tucker’s article discusses the problems of the antiquated American educational system and its severe effects on the country’s labor force. I believe that there is indeed a pressing need to revamp the current educational system. Education in the country today no longer meets the needs of the economy. The labor force that the educational system produces is insufficient in terms of skills and abilities. The workers lack the necessary skills that warrant the wages they get. It is for this reason that American and international firms seem to turn to developing countries for their labor needs. If American workers are to remain deserving of the wages they receive, they must become more competent and highly-skilled. It is my opinion that the only way that the country will produce highly-skilled, creative, and innovative workers is to change the educational system. The system should focus more on the development of skills necessary for the various employment needs today. It is the right of every citizen to be properly and adequately educated in order to survive. The current system can no longer provide the educational needs of the people. The primary reason why people go to school is to prepare them for work. Since workers currently receive sub-standard education, they lack the skills and abilities that the labor market needs. Evidently, the only solution to this dilemma is, I believe, to revamp the educational system.

Marketing Plan for the Launch of a new, electricity powered BMW in to Essay

Marketing Plan for the Launch of a new, electricity powered BMW in to the UK market - Essay Example BMW can be categorised as being the fashion brand. Its future growth strategy has been focused upon achieving greater market share in luxury car market by providing its customers innumerable alternatives (BMW Films, n.d.). It has three brands namely BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor cars. The BMW Group has set its vision upon the premium sector of the international automobile markets. In order to achieve this aim the company is well equipped with the knowledge of deploying its strength along with the efficiency that is unmatched in the automotive industry. The company can be marked as the leader in providing the premium products and services for individual mobility (BMW Group, 2010). This marketing plan has been developed to launch the new i8 car of BMW in the UK. It will deal with the tactics and strategies that are required to launch a product in the UK market. The chosen vehicle is an electric car with zero emission. Therefore, it would be prudent to have a brief understanding on th is product of BMW. It is to be noted that BMW’s i8 has been based upon the Vision EfficientDynamics concept. It’s a plug-in hybrid drive vehicle. It aims at offering high performance and low fuel consumption as well as low CO2 emission. It is worth mentioning that the term ‘i’ refers to sustainable vehicles and mobility solutions (Auto Sr. Reporter, 2011). 2.0 Situation Analysis 2.1 Company Analysis BMW has been a luxury and performance car manufacturer. The revenue of the company had been ?3.468 billion in the year 2008. There has been decline in revenue by ?0.7 billion from 2007. Its target market has been middle to upper class individuals and families and business users. It tries to maintain a competitive edge by relying on the ‘Efficient Dynamics’ strategy. It endeavours to adapt to the latest technology and focuses upon greater sustainability. It is majorly customer focused (Bai & Et. Al., 2009). 2.2 Competitors Analysis The major competi tors of BMW in the UK are AUDI and Mercedes-Benz. However, the market share of BMW had been the highest in three consecutive years, i.e. 2006, 2007 and 2008. In the year 2006 the market share of BMW had been 6.45% while that of AUDI and Mercedes-Benz had been 3.6% and 3.31% respectively. The market share of BMW in the year 2007 had been 6.97% in comparison to 4.2% and 3.39% of Audi and Mercedes-Benz respectively. In the year 2008, there had been a slight decline in the market share of BMW by 0.63 points. It had been registered at 6.34% of BMW and 4.7% and 3.42% of AUDI and Mercedes-Benz respectively (Bai & Et. Al., 2009). It is essential to know about the competitors in order to launch the product. The understanding of the existing competitors can aid while considering the quality of a new product to be launched and will also aid in innovating new ideas that can be implemented in the products and services. Customer responsiveness will help the organisation to establish the needs and wants of the customers and develop the products that can be used to satisfy the needs of the customers (Bai & Et. Al., 2

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Argumentative essay on cigarette advertising Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argumentative on cigarette advertising - Essay Example Advertising based on Oxford Dictionary is the act of relaying information to potential customers concerning a certain product in the market with the intention of luring them to buy it. This implies the person or Corporation relaying a given products’ information ought to utilize necessary skills meant to appear brief and communicate effectively to the clients (Capella, Webster & Kinard 269). Hence, manage to get their attention within a very short period in order to create an immense impact. This is similar to cigarettes’ advertising though its mode of advertising due to numerous campaigns against it respective corporations have resulted to exaggerated and fantasized advertising. Numerous images used in advertising pose the notion smoking especially to the young is sweet besides making them fit in a class/status of proving their prowess. This is complete false though through the creativity of numerous corporations have managed to attain large pool of clientele â€Å"who not only smoke for fun but also live to smoke†. Since, most of them after the first puff turn out to be addicts thus becoming the brand’s habitual users such that the corporation will not be in need of relaying any further information to him or her but to new people. The notion of â€Å"smoking is sweet† its mode of relaying information to the potential users is by use of youthful models, for instance, women who in turn lure teenage females into the habit. This is because of the ads posing the information as genuine, which is far from the reality but merely a strategy to get future potential clients. In 2004, cigarette corporations emerged with a new strategy citing they h ave devised â€Å"lighter cigarettes† for those people wishing to ensure the safety of their health (â€Å"Quit Victoria†). This is a fallacy because no amount of tar is less dangerous once it finds its way in human body’s system. However, the fallacy may seem true based on the corporations’ information and some confessions emanating from hired smokers. The latter contend â€Å"lighter† cigarettes are smoother and less irritating compared to the ordinary products, which is not true. This is because companies with the aid of numerous flavors in the industry and market only tend to alter their â€Å"taste†. Hence, trying to twist clientele’s mind towards deeming what they are smoking contain less tar that is why it is smoother to their throats. However, in reality, this is not true but only a market niche meant to draw numerous people towards purchasing the â€Å"lighter† cigarette. The only trick in this case besides flavors is the use of additives and introduction of tinny holes in the filter meant to filter ash (â€Å"Quit Victoria†). This is because the later is the core component that causes irritation in smokers’ throats whereas the obnoxious content passes unfiltered or altered to the lungs’ alveoli. Hence, continue to cause varied chronic predicaments on users, for instance, cancer (â€Å"Quit Victoria†). This is because fallacies have already â€Å"hijacked† their minds to the extent they are unable to unveil whether what diverse marketing ads are relaying is true (O’Connor). Another relayed fallacy by cigarettes’ corporations encompasses the safety of the product despite admitting to be harmful to human health. This is evident in the way when advertising corporation despite compelled to state cigarettes’ harmful effects choose to indicate with almost invisible statement on their packaging. This is in such a manner numerous users and potential people especially teenagers who wish to experiment smoking

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How media effects Arab Spring Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

How media effects Arab Spring - Research Paper Example The media had a great role in spreading the word and the president then had shut down the internet in the country, which had only aggravated the situation. Inspired by the bold move of Tunisia, other Arab went into the streets to protest against their governments. Egypt followed closely, and the then president attempted the same trick of shutting down the internet to prevent media from spreading the news and just as Tunisia, this infuriated the citizens even more (Aouragh and Alexander, p. 12). In all these protests and demonstrations, media has played a major role in spreading the word. Any attempt to cripple the media has always led to aggravation of the situation of these countries. The role of media in Arab Spring remains controversial. Media is intended to enlighten the people and present them with the news. However, the contribution of media to the Arab Spring is undeniable in all aspects (Khondker, p. 19). It is through media, especially the social media that word of protest spreads and encourages even peaceful regions to hit the streets. Any attempt to shut down media in these countries has always met hostile response from the citizens. A discussion on the sociological potential of media in causing a change in the society started early in 1996 with Manuel Castells’ work, â€Å"The Rise of the Network Society† and recently by â€Å"Communication Power† in 2009. Many writers in the past twentieth century decade have identified the internet potential as a means of reinforcing democracy. More recent scholars have pin pointed the capabilities and limitations of the political role of the new media (Khondker, p. 12). There is a divide in the discussion of this topic. Some see the media as a control tool, one of the dictator’s arsenal of repression. Others view the media in its potential to shape politics and initiating a public sphere in a community that already lacks one. Another group of writers has presented a rather balanced dimension of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Literature Review for topic overcome resistance to change in a Essay

Literature Review for topic overcome resistance to change in a organization - Essay Example According to Asten (2011), the first strategy that can be employed is to analyze the positive together with the negative effects of the policy that is set to be implemented. In carrying out such analysis, however, it is of significance to look at specific aspects of the policy as the simplicity of implementing such policies. Asten argues that it is far reaching for the heads of any organization to implement policies that are easy to effect. In like manner, Asten is of the opinion that the compatibility of the new policy should be considered and in that regard, it should be observed that the policy should be compatible with the cultures of the organization. Another aspect of the policy that should also be considered according to Asten is the divisibility of the policy. Asten describes divisibility as whether the policy is to be implemented in full or in stages. Homer (2010) is of the opinion that whether a new policy would be implemented in a new organization depends on communication. He defines an ideal communication strategy as a situation where the heads of the organization fill the employees in on any impending changes and the employees similarly, provide the heads with their take on a new policy. Homer argues that the policy may not be favorable to the employees but presenting the policy in a positive manner makes the employees see some sense in the policy that is to be introduced. According to Jansen (2000), one way to overcome resistance to change within an organization is by ensuring that the new policy does not overload the employees in a way. Jansen makes reference to the finite pool of worry where he argues that whenever water is being poured on a sponge, it reaches a point where the sponge becomes saturated, and any more water that is added to it will pour out instead of filling the pores of the sponge. On the same basis, Jansen is of the opinion that in as much as change is necessary

Sunday, August 25, 2019

LDAP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

LDAP - Coursework Example As its name shows, it is a lightweight client-server protocol which is used for directory services, particularly the directory services which are based on X.500. Additionally, LDAP is implemented on TCP/IP or other connection oriented data transfer services. LDAP supported user programs are able to inquire LDAP servers to search for entries using a variety of techniques. In this scenario, LDAP servers’ directory holds all the data in its entries, as well as cleans can be employed to choose immediately the group or person we desired, and provide immediately the data and information we desired. On the other hand, LDAP is not restricted to contact details, or yet data regarding diverse public. LDAP can also be used to search for pointers to printers, encryption credentials as well as additional services on a framework, in addition to particular sign-on where one password for a client is distributed among a lot of services. Moreover, LDAP is very useful for some types of directory related details, where quick searches as well as fewer repeated database based updates are the standard (Gracion, 2010; Briggs & Spence, 2000; The Linux Documentation Project, 2010). This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the security features which LDAP supports, then it will assess that how can access control list be implemented on the LDAP servers. Afterward it will also analyze the security auditing features that LDAP supports in addition to the detection of brute forcing attacks (such as NAT) against a LDAP server. LDAP AN OVERVIEW Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) offers a network directory service that is used as a central database containing the vital data and information regarding the groups, public and additional units that form a business. Seeing that each organization's framework and its accurate description of necessary information can be diverse, thus in this scenario a directory service has to be extremely tailored and supple. However, it is an in trinsically difficult task. In this scenario, the X.500 network protocol intended for directory services is a main aspect under consideration. In view of the fact that it was intended to offer extensive directory services for huge and intricate businesses, therefore, X.500 is itself a huge and complicated network protocol, consequently in order that a trivial adaptation of it was developed which is acknowledged as LDAP. LDAP, explained in RFC 1777, is considered as a division of the X.500 network protocol, as well as it has been applied more extensively as compared to X.500 itself has been deployed in any framework (Bauer, 2003; Donnelly, 2000; Briggs & Spence, 2000). In this scenario, it can be said that LDAP and X.500 are unconfined network protocols, similar to TCP/IP; neither is an individual suite. Seeing that a network protocol has to be applied in a number of ways of software, like that a server domain, or kernel component, or else a user program. Additionally, as compared to TCP/IP, all the performances of LDAP are not similar or yet totally able to communicate (with no alterations). Fortunately LDAP is implemented and designed to be widespread. Moreover,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Triceratops, Sabor Tooth Tiger, Homosapiens, and the Quagga Essay

Triceratops, Sabor Tooth Tiger, Homosapiens, and the Quagga - Essay Example Although it was believed to have existed for more than 10.000 years ago, its fossils were only found in 1841. Sabertooth tigers were carnivorous animals as explained by Michael Henderson, paleontologist and curator of earth sciences at the Burpee Museum of Natural History in Rockford. These animals were efficient-killing machines and preyed on deer, bison, ground sloths, mastodon and even small mammoths. Their 7 inch-long teeth proved helpful in their hunt for bigger animals. In fact: "Saber-toothed cats came up with an efficient way to dispatch their prey by evolving enlarged canines. Big cats, such as lions and tigers, often kill their prey by suffocating it. They bite down on the neck of their prey and cut off its air supply. ( qtd. from â€Å"Oversized Teeth Helped Saber† 1). The La Brea Tar Pits in California is a testimony of how smilodons were trapped while feeding on mammoths. The extinction of the saber tooth has been a puzzle to many scientists up to now. One hypothesis for its extinction is the end of Ice Age. According to Anton ( 2002 ) â€Å"Pliocene also brought a significant decline among the machairodont cats. From the variety of genera existing during the late Miocene (Machairodus, Paramachairodus, Metailurus), only the large metailurine Dinofelis persisted In their turn, the group of modern felids with conical canines increased their diversity with the appearance of the first members of the Lynx group ( p.213). In short, the saber-tooth cannot adapt anymore to its environment that is why other feline species replaced it. Humans, that’s what homo sapiens are. Bipedal primates that belong to Hominidae, the great ape family. Homo sapiens were known as hunter gatherers before the introduction of domestic farming came about. They were nomads who travelled from one place to another in search for food. Homo sapiens know how to use tools to defend themselves or to stage an attack on a prey which is usually an animal. The vegetation of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Analysis of Business Planning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Analysis of Business Planning - Research Paper Example Business plans have both weak and strong components that are unique to respective plans and businesses.     The plan focuses on a beauty and hair salon called Trend Setters Hair Studio. It begins by presenting an executive summary of the salon business. The mission and motto of the salon are equally mentioned (B Plan, 2012). After the introduction, the plan provides essential keys to the successes of the salon business. A summary of the company that includes a summary of how the company began operations is present in the summary. The business plan on Trend Setters Hair Studio later reveals the products and services within the business. These include hair (weaves, and relaxers), nails (manicured and sculptures) and skin care (waxing and massages). The plan also offers a summary of the strategy and implementation of diverse strategies of the company. This aspect of the plan mentions the approaches that management should take to address the problems that may arise from competitors. The management of the salon equally presents figures for their projected sales in the next three years (Becherer & Helms, 2009). The business plan presents milestones of the salon business that includes details of salon activities.      For example, necessary finances in the running of the salon business are mentioned. The projected cash flow in the salon business is equally presented in the plan. Finally, the plan has an appendix that explains most of the figures in the business plan (Bangs, 2002). Brian's Book Barn Business Plan This plan focuses on a book barn business that dates from May 1998. The plan begins by describing the business in a clear manner. It states that the business is a store that deals with books and magazines (Canada / British Columbia Business Services Society, ND). It is located in Ladbrokes and aims to promote the culture of reading to members of this community. The plan also suggests that the community where such an organization is situated lacks such a business. This means that the business is likely to flourish because of minimal competition. The plan reveals the ownership and management of the book business. The owners are a couple, Brian Paige and Novella Reid. According to the plan, B rian has relevant experience because he previously worked with bookselling organizations. His wife has a certificate in retail management with 30 years of experience (Canada / British Columbia Business Services Society, ND). The initiatives and objectives of the business are also evident in the plan.  Ã‚  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Safety of Larry Essay Example for Free

Safety of Larry Essay Morton resolves to leave the potentially violent playground because he reasons that the other man is very unreasonable and that engaging this man in any further dialogue would yield nothing beneficial. The father also seeks to ensure the safety of Larry his son far from the haughty taunts of the troublesome Joe. After the second reading. What does the narrator know about the wifes thoughts and feelings that is important to understanding the ending? The story’s narrator is aware that the wife senses a debilitating feeling of defeat and inadequacy whenever she faces a situation whereby unreasonable behavior triumphs over sensible behavior. These sentiments make the wife to be unsatisfied with Morton’s act of submissively leaving the troublesome father and child. The wife thus thinks that her husband is inefficient in agitating for his rights. She thus repeats the derisive ‘You and who else? ’ statement that the arrogant man utters in the park. What do you think this incident means to the wife? To the wife, injustice is depicted as trampling over justice according to the events that transpire at the park. Moreover, her husband demonstrates that he is weak and defenseless through is action of choosing to ignore the other man’s taunts. What other things do you notice? After analyzing the actions of the various characters, I have noted that Morton is a sensible and refined man who would not get involved in a physical confrontation just for the sake of it. Rather, he depicts a mature personality that allows him to have adequate patience to put up with the unreasonable mean’s behavior. What questions do you still have? I am not sure whether Morton really avoids being involved in a physical tussle with the other man just because of the silliness of such an action or because he fears being physically hurt by the obviously bigger man. Conversely, the wife’s actions are not clear as to whether she treasures violence or harbors violent tendencies.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

English Views of Native Americans During Catholic-Protestant Conflict in the New World Essay Example for Free

English Views of Native Americans During Catholic-Protestant Conflict in the New World Essay English Views of Native Americans during Catholic-Protestant Conflict in the New World During the 16th and 17th century, as settlers from Europe continued to flock to the New World, technologies were being introduced that affected English views of Native Americans and how they saw Catholic, or more specifically, Spanish treatment of the Natives. Many countries wanted superiority in the Americas and to do that they needed more colonists and support from their homelands. To accomplish these goals different means were employed. For England, the New World settlements served a variety of purposes. To secure investors through stock purchases by showing them they would be well rewarded, attract new colonists, and to expand Protestantism in the New World to combat the Catholic movement in the Americas (text 38). Helping in these goals were new technologies that created some of the first propaganda. Many people in Europe feared the Native Americans, thinking of them as savage and uncivilized. Unrest and this fear among the people probably caused many to avoid even entertaining the thought of transplanting themselves and their family to an unknown continent. In 1588 Thomas Harriot published the first pamphlet about life in the New World. Describing great weather, fruitful land, and a wealth of goods these writings encouraged people to travel across the Atlantic. Along with him, painter John White, portrayed the Native Americans as a peaceful people that could easily coexist with Europeans. Taking liberties from these paintings, Theodore de Bry, a protestant from Belgium, made copperplate engravings of civilized Indians. These pictures and views of the Natives had a widespread appeal across England and alleviated fears of the New World which encouraged more settlers to take the voyage and more investors to purchase stock in colonizing companies. One of the biggest battles in the New World was between Catholic and Protestants to control the Americas. During this time Spain was the envy of Europe. With a large navy they were one of the most powerful armies in the world, wealthy, and boasted many colonies in the New World. Several countries, especially England, looked upon Spain with disdain. England being a Protestant country and Spain Catholic did nothing but increase the tension. Public opinion was very important in this power struggle. In 1598 Theodore de Bry republished Bartolome de Casa’s â€Å"Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies (text 38-39)† which helped win supporters for the Protestant movement and England’s prerogative in the Americas. Originally this book was written in 1541 about Spanish mistreatment of the Indians. De Casa’s writing along with de Bry’s graphic illustrations horrified people of the torture and killing of Indians by the Spaniards. The Protestants saw the Catholics as agents of the devil who needed to be purged from society in the New World. Ironically this thinking was hypocritical as almost all countries, including England, mistreated the Native Americans throughout colonization and for centuries to come. Many travel accounts were written over the years that portrayed a frightening and exciting New World to the Europeans. While most of these accounts were written based on opinion and very little facts, they had an important place among society and were very powerful in swaying people’s opinions about Native Americans, the New World, and rival European nations. New technologies of publishing and illustrating at the time helped spread these documents ideas and opinions faster than ever and we saw for possibly the first time ever a propaganda war.

Facilitating Obstetric Services for Pregnant Women

Facilitating Obstetric Services for Pregnant Women Socio-cultural INFULENCES AND Access TO Basic Obstetric Care (BOC) Abstract Although pregnancy and childbirth are not of medical origin, respectively, they signify normal physiological events. Women who are pregnant often anticipate satisfactory childbirth outcomes, with no complications during the birthing process. Maternal and Child health is achieved through comprehensive obstetric interventions. While basic obstetric care is available for pregnant women, socio-cultural beliefs are effective as well to convince them not to access appropriate care during obstetric emergencies. Therefore, this essay explains why pregnant women are often unable to receive care they need and the benefits of accessing essential obstetric care in health facilities. Socio-cultural Beliefs and Childbirth Practices Whilst there are many cultures throughout the world, every culture is distinct and varies considerably from one another. Culture is viewed as a main pillar that clearly defines ethnic identity, autonomy, and the tribal dominance of a society (Bravo Noya, 2014). Its influence is fascinating by the way certain skills, knowledge, and practices are observed and learnt over a period of time to maintain and preserve its existence (Sherry Ornstein, 2014). Similarly, different societies have profound cultural beliefs and interpretations in relation to pregnancy and childbirth practices. Though birthing is an individual occasion, it is also an important societal experience that impacts women’s perceptions and certain beliefs between respective societies (Kaphle, Hancock, Newman, 2013). For instance, during pregnancy, women strictly observe their cultural norms and â€Å"taboos† by avoiding certain foods or diets. In general, a particular food that is abundant in protein is avoided due to their mutual belief(s) that may lead to congenital deformed babies, resembling features of food eaten, or their babies may grow big thereby complicating the second stage of labour (Kuzma, et al., 2013). Cultural influences are persuasive, and thus, prevent pregnant women to access essential maternal health care. Socio-cultural Beliefs and Access to Basic Obstetric Care (BOC) In spite of the fact that there are many different societies, they are often classified into two broad kinds of societies; patrilineal or matrilineal. Patrilineal society is more common and influential. Patrilineal societies qualify men to own the land, properties, make critical decisions, and decide on family size (Koian, 2010). Land is considered as an important asset for families in ethnic societies. This is why, in patrilineal societies, men would often want to have more male children in their family to inherit the land, and also to take full responsibility during their old age (Tao, 2014). In contrast, women’s responsibilities are often associated with domestic duties, such as cooking, gardening, childbearing and childrearing. On the other hand, basic medical ailments and maternal health services (for example, Family Planning) are viewed as insignificant to certain societies, and are perceived to only interfere with their cultural beliefs (Kaphle, Hancock, Newman, 2013). Moreover, any pregnancy or childbirth-related complications are considered abnormal, and the victim (pregnant woman) is condemned for disobedience; as a result, she is cursed by ancestral evil forces (Kuzma, et al., 2013). Such cultural beliefs often have subsequent impact on pregnant women accessing and utilising vital antenatal and obstetric care (Boerleider, Wiegers, Mannien, Francke, Deville, 2013). Traditional Birth Attendance (TBA) and their Experiences To strengthen maternal health care, emphasis is placed on pregnant women accessing health facilities for supervised care and deliveries from Skilled Birth Attendants (SBAs). These are qualified health professionals (such as; midwives, nurses and doctors) who are able to manage pregnancies and childbirths, and detect possible obstetric complications threatening to the mother and her unborn baby (Uzt, Siddiqui, Adegoke, Broeke, 2013). In many societies, Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) are available, usually old women who are considered skilful and knowledgeable in managing childbirths. Their competency of practice has become women’s first choice of contact when in labour. Also, their respectful approach toward mothers, irrespective of their social status, age, parity, and reasonable labour fees, have continued to influence women’s perception of positive childbirth experiences under their care (Akpabio, Edet, Etifit, Bassey, 2014). Unfortunately, TBAs still require essential evidence-based knowledge; they need adequate emergency obstetric skills and kits to manage during labour and birth emergencies. Their performing (birthing) roles were observed, and acquired only through other experienced TBAs. Yet, pregnant women still forgo formal deliveries to seek assistance from TBAs. Even some who often attend antenatal clinics still prefer TBAs during labour. Such care outside the scope of professional practice results in high rates of preventable maternal deaths (Akpabio, Edet, Etifit, Bassey, 2014). Pregnancy and childbirth experiences can be life-threatening without the presence of SBAs. Hence, it is necessary for pregnant mothers to seek formal support, and care in health care settings where health care providers, and essential life-saving equipment are available. Health Care Providers’ Attitudes and Approaches Health Care Providers have primary responsibilities in providing health care effectively to their patients (women) without favouritism, injustice, harassment, and discrimination due to their socio-cultural attributes. One of the reason that affects pregnant women in relation to seeking a health centre birth is the â€Å"maltreatment† they receive from health care providers. Such unethical treatment in general includes professional negligence, abusive language, discrimination, and interventions without granting permission (Moyer, Adongo, Aborigo, Hodgson, Engmann, 2014). They feel that the environment is not conducive for them. Thus, the fear of ill treatment from health care providers (especially, midwives and other female health workers) often discourages women from accessing health care to deliver their babies (Essendi, Mills, Fotso, 2010). The attitudes and approaches of health care providers must be facilitated in such a friendly manner so as to encourage midwife/nurse-t o-mother relationships to achieve optimal maternal outcomes. Another reason that often prevents pregnant women opting for hospital births is their fear of health workers’ keeping their placentas for disposal (without giving the placentas to them). Some women often use placentas to execute traditional ceremonials, and are concerned it will be difficult for them to take their placentas home. Such deprivation becomes a hindrance for some of them to access supervised delivery where appropriate and essential (Moyer, Adongo, Aborigo, Hodgson, Engmann, 2014). For that reason, establishing rapport and providing empathetic care and a compassionate attitude is expected. Transcultural conflicts in health are precluded when care is integrated harmoniously without cultural interference. Conclusion In conclusion, the emphasis on facilitating obstetric services for pregnant women performs an essential role in strengthening maternal and child health. Improving accessibility and reinforcement at all levels of the health care system is of paramount importance for obstetric services to function effectively. Professional conduct during the care is needed while as much as possible, accommodating socio-cultural attributes to attain best possible outcomes. Also, comprehensive community-based programs by health care providers relating to maternal health, has the potential to connect any existing socio-cultural barriers, and allow women to freely utilize obstetric care when necessary. Bibliography Akpabio, I., Edet, O., Etifit, R., Bassey, G. (2014). Womens Preference for Traditional Birth Attendants and Modern Health Care Practioners in Akpabuyo Community of Cross River State, Nigeria. Health Care for Women International, 35:1, 100-109. Boerleider, A., Wiegers, T., Mannien, J., Francke, A., Deville, W. (2013). Factors affecting the Use of Prenatal Care by Non-western Women in Industrialized Western Countries: A Systemic Review. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13:81, 1471-2393. Bravo, I., Noya, M. (2014). Culture in Prenatal Development: Parental Attitudes, Availability of Care, Expectations, Values and Nutrition. Child Youth Care Forum. 43, 521-538. Essendi, H., Mills, S., Fotso, C. (2010). Barriers to Formal Emergency Obstetric Care Services Utilization. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol.88, Suppl.2, S356-S369. Faisal, A., Tofayel, A. (2014). Influence of the Socio-cultural Factors in Health-seeking Behaviour of Women during Pregnancy in Rural Bangladesh . Journal of Exclusion Studies, Vol.4, Issue:1, 1-11. Kaphle, S., Hancock, H., Newman, L. (2013). Childbirth Traditions and Cultural Perceptions of Safety in Nepal: Critical Spaces to ensure the Survival of Mothers and Newborns in Remote Mountain Villages. Midwifery 29, 1173-1181. Koian, R. (2010). Women in Patrilineal and Matrilineal Societies in Melanesia. Madang, PNG: Bismark Ramu Group. Kosum, Z., Yurdakul, M. (2012). Factors Affecting the Use of Emergency Obstetric Care among Pregnant Women with Antenatal Bleeding. Midwifery 29, 440-446. Kuzma, J., Paofa, D., Kaugle, N., Catherina, T., Samiak, S., Kumei, E. (2013). Food Taboos and Traditional Customs Among Pregnant Women in Papua New Guinea: Missed Opportunity for Education in Antenatal Clinics. Contemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal, Vol.19, 1-11. Moyer, C., Adongo, P., Aborigo, R., Hodgson, A., Engmann, C. (2014). They treat you like you are not a human being: Maltreatment during Labour and Delivery in Rural Northern Ghana. Midwifery 30, 262-268. Sherry, S., Ornstein, A. (2014). The Preservation and Transmission of Cultural Values and Ideals: Challenges Facing Immigrant Families. Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, 34:5, 452-462. Tao, L. (2014). Why do women interact with their parents more often then men? The demonstration effect vs. biological effect. The Social Science Journal, 1-11. Uzt, B., Siddiqui, G., Adegoke, A., Broeke, N. (2013). Definitions and Roles of a Skilled Birth Attendant: A Mapping Exercise from South-Asian Countries. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS), 1-7. Yankuzo, K. (2014). Impact of Globalization on the Traditional African Cultures. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 4, 1-8. McKenzie Maviso1

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Womens Repression in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Essay

Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour is a great story that conveys an important message about life and how difficult it can be for women, particularly in previous centuries. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when this story was written, women were quite often mistreated and had to live restricted lives that lacked opportunity. Generally, women weren?t liberated during the 19th century. Traditionally, women did all the hard work in the house and had no opportunities to make their own living or pursue their own personal dreams. Kate Chopin does an outstanding job of portraying a woman living in these times. The Story of an Hour is a good depiction of the unspoken repression that women faced in the past. Kate Chopin's major theme of the repression of women is expressed by use of internal conflict, foreshadowing, symbolism, and dramatic irony. Internal conflict is a key constituent of ?The Story of an Hour? because it is the basic premise of the theme. The internal conflict that Mrs. Louise Mallard faces throughout the story helps the reader gain a gradual understanding of the true... Women's Repression in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Essay Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour is a great story that conveys an important message about life and how difficult it can be for women, particularly in previous centuries. Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when this story was written, women were quite often mistreated and had to live restricted lives that lacked opportunity. Generally, women weren?t liberated during the 19th century. Traditionally, women did all the hard work in the house and had no opportunities to make their own living or pursue their own personal dreams. Kate Chopin does an outstanding job of portraying a woman living in these times. The Story of an Hour is a good depiction of the unspoken repression that women faced in the past. Kate Chopin's major theme of the repression of women is expressed by use of internal conflict, foreshadowing, symbolism, and dramatic irony. Internal conflict is a key constituent of ?The Story of an Hour? because it is the basic premise of the theme. The internal conflict that Mrs. Louise Mallard faces throughout the story helps the reader gain a gradual understanding of the true...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Shooting an Elephant, Critical Analysis Essay -- essays research paper

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout Orwell’s literary career, he avidly stood against totalitarian and imperialistic forms of government. His two most famous works (1984 and Animal Farm) both exemplify this point, but at the same time weaken it. These two works were written in protest of those governments, but in a fictional back ground. In Orwell’s essay Shooting an Elephant, he uses a personal experience to more clearly emphasize the impact of imperialism at the sociological and psychological level, in conjunction with other literary elements. This symposium of devices help drive the purpose of his paper and ultimately creates a more substantial impact on any reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most obvious is his choice to illustrate his point through a very real and personal experience of his own. By doing so, it rendered an almost real and more tangible world for the audience to interact with. Orwell, being an Englishmen, was in a position to see both sides of imperialism’s harms to society, and present both to his audience. He told how both abused the other either physically or verbally, and how they ran each other’s actions. While it is possible to explain this by other means, the direct experience with it testified much stronger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition, this form of writing allowed Orwell’s voice to come more clearly to the reader. He was able to directly express his thoughts and views at the time. Weather they were a loathing toward h...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pumping Iron: Women and Sports :: Movies Television Film Females Essays

Pumping Iron: Women and Sports Ever since sports has been introduced into our society it has always been gender specific. Today, sports are still gender specific but not as much as before due to the change in social norms. Many people enjoy playing sports. For some it may be the competition, for others it may be for the love of the game. It has been difficult for individuals who enter non-traditional sports for their gender. Women have especially struggled with this matter until the Title 9 was issued. Before Title 9, many women were not allowed to participate in track and other sports that were not considered feminine. During the Victorian Times, women were only allowed to play sports that didn't make them look sweaty, tired or just messy. They had to stick to the norm of being conservative and looking proper. Can you imagine, they had to even wear skirts for baseball and other sports? How can you be comfortable and play well in that kind of an outfit? When it came to tennis, they had to look graceful like a ball erina. The main concern in playing a sport is enjoying it and playing it well. It never had to do anything with being part of a beauty contest. Women were given limitations into what sports they could participate in. However, realistically women were just as good as their counterpart when it came to playing sports in which they were not allowed to play. Being a female and seriously competing in a non-traditional sport is an arduous task. Many individuals question your sexuality, race and class just because you have decided to participate in a non-traditional sport. However, the main fact that is being disregarded here is that everyone has the capability of playing any sport that they want to play. There should not be any boundaries to anything because of gender. It is unfair because there are certain things that are acceptable and unacceptable in society which puts a lot of pressure on people that are into non-traditional sports. The question is, why does being accepted matter so much in society? Why is it so hard to be accepted for something that you want to do? I mean you are not hurting anybody yet you are made to feel guilty for trying to be good in a non-traditional sport. For this essay, I would like to use the movie "Pumping

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Microeconomics in my Life

The role of microeconomics in every person’s life is enormous; therefore, it is very important to study it. The objects of microeconomics surround us all the time. Microeconomics studies the aspects of functioning of all companies, and we deal with various companies throughout our lives. I shop for food and clothes in stores, go to movie theaters to see popular movies, buy stationary at Home Depot, transfer funds through banks. All of these companies function according to certain laws, which are all studied in microeconomics. My favorite brand of car is Toyota, and microeconomics is able to determine what the most efficient volume of production for the company is. It is able to give the managers an answer to the question of what the most efficient combination of their resources should be, i.e., how many employees they should employ, how many materials they should get from suppliers and many other issues. We constantly have to go shopping, and deal with prices which are established according to supply and demand, cost of production and other factors. Whenever the price of tomatoes in the store goes to the roof, we usually see a note in the store that the crops in Florida turned out not as large as it was predicted or that the hurricanes destroyed all of the crops. Even though the same tomatoes cost half the price just a short time ago, we realize that the law of supply and demand has been efficiently applied here. The demand for tomatoes remained the same, but the supply decreased dramatically and thus prices were destined to increase. I also deal with the concept of elasticity all of the time. Companies never make discounts on products the demand for which is inelastic because the volume of sales is going to remain stable anyway. Therefore, there is usually hardly a chance for me to get such products for a lower price. However, I am always a good shopper when it comes to products with high elasticity because companies decrease their prices on such items from time to time to attract more customers. For example, there is always a chance to buy some clothes on sale. I deal with the concept of utility all of the time in my life as well. Some of the products have a high level of utility for me, and I am going to buy them at any price because I am simply unable to live without them. For example, DVD’s of my favorite movies are extremely valuable for me, and I am ready to pay any money to be able to see my favorite actor or actress. At the same time, some items have a very low utility for me, and only low price on such items is able to attract me. I am the type of person who always judges products by their utility for me and not by how fashionable they are. Like every person, I am forced to deal with various market forms, such as perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, or monopolistic competition. In most cases, I see the market of monopolistic competition because there are very many items with slightly different features. The market of the United States has very many companies which produce similar items but try to attract consumers by unique features and by efficient advertising. For example, there are very many producers of cars in the United States. There are also many multinational companies based in the United States which produce cars, for example, Japanese Toyota, Korean Honda and many others. They all produce cars which have quite similar features. All of these manufacturers come up with various models of cars so that they can attract people who like sports cars, who have children, who need to travel in the mountains, or who need fuel-efficient cars. Every manufacturer tries to come up with some unique feature which competitors do not have. To some extent, it is very good for me as a consumer because competitors are fighting for customers and thus they constantly introduce new great deals for us. I am able to fight the model of the car which I want and perhaps even get it at a lower price. I also often deal with oligopolistic competitors. The market of providers of wireless phones is not as large as the car market. There are some major players in it, and I have to choose among the most powerful of them. It was very challenging for me to decide whether to use the services of T-Mobile or Verizon, but I finally made a choice for Verizon. Oligopolistic competitors can be very difficult for analysis because they usually make different steps according to the steps of their competitors. Since there are very few competitors in the market, it is very important for oligopolists to bring their actions in accordance with the actions of the competitors. Oligopolists also often sign various agreements with one another in order to control the market. For example, I often see that when T-Mobile introduces new offers, Verizon follows this company with very similar offers. Since I am a consumer, the knowledge of microeconomics can greatly help me to take a choice in different type of the market. Another concept of microeconomics which I am destined to face is externalities. I often read in newspapers how government does its best to take care of various kinds of externalities. I know many plants which pollute water and atmosphere, and in my opinion, it is very good that government makes such companies pay higher taxes or install purifying systems in order to eliminate the impact of its pollution. In conclusion, it is necessary to say that microeconomics is one of the disciplines the concepts of which can be seen everywhere. The knowledge of these concepts helps me to make smarter choices in life and understand different phenomena better. All of the consumer decisions are being made on the micro level, and that is why it is very important for every person to have a deep knowledge of microeconomic concepts. Bibliography. Baumol, William J., John Panzar, and Robert Willig. Contestable Markets and the Theory of Industry Structure, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1982. Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue. Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies. Eleventh Edition. 1996. Curwen Peter, Else Peter. Principles of Microeconomics. Unwin Hyman. 1990. Cullis, J. G. and Jones, P. R. Microeconomics and the public economy: a defence of Leviathan Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Fundraising Event At St. Therese’s Parish

As part of the 75th anniversary of St. Therese’s Parish, the parish family, together with Monsignor Robert MacArthur has campaigned for a fundraising event that will support the festive celebration of its institution. The fundraising activity will involve the sales of the St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook, which is a compilation of approximately 75 favorite and traditional recipes submitted by members of the parish themselves. The St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook is a product of the members of the parish who are dedicated to serve the parish in their very own personal way. The cookbook will be sold for only $5. 00 a piece and all proceeds will go to the celebration of St. Therese’s 75th anniversary. The cookbook is dedicated to all former priests, sisters and parishioners who have provided their hard work and commitment to the parish in the early days and years, which in turn developed the foundation of what we now see at St. Therese’s Parish. It is well-known that many hands—and hearts, as well as God’s grace, have molded the current parish. The St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook is composed of several sections—appetizers and beverages, salads and dressings, soups and sauces, vegetables, main dishes, breads, desserts, and even canning procedures, that will be very helpful to every home. Each entry has been lovingly written and submitted by parishioners, with their goal of sharing their good home recipes and at the same time helping out in raising funds for the coming joyous event at St. Therese’s. The St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook will be available at the parish entrance after Holy Mass and will also be available at the corner grocery store, along Main Street and West Avenue. So hurry up and grab a copy of the St. Therese’s 75th Anniversary Cookbook and be part of the joyful group that is eager to share their oneness with the parish in raising funds for its 75th anniversary celebration!

Culture in Aruba

The people of Aruba come primarily from European, African, and Latin American countries and the culture of the island reflects these varied backgrounds. The language, food, religion, and celebrations on Aruba are composed of a healthy mix of these countries. Aruba is closely tied to Holland because of its long occupation and present partnership in the Netherlands kingdom. The official language is Dutch, which is seen on the street signs, official documents, and many local newspapers. However, many aspects of Aruba’s culture reveal strong influences of contributing cultures, such as the common language Papiamento. Papiamento dates back to the sixteenth century, as a means for African slaves to communicate with their owners. Papiamento reflects the mentality and culture of the many peoples who have inhabited the region, including the Arawak and Carib Indians, African slaves, South American traders, Spanish conquers, Dutch merchants, Portuguese missionaries, and French and English settlers. While grammar is basic, many non-Arubans find its syntax and intonation challenging. Much of Papiamento has been handed down verbally from generation to generation. Its proverbs contain a simply stated wealth of philosophy and insight. Through humor and metaphor, utilizing food, animals, and objects from everyday life, Papiamento lends universal guidance and wisdom. Some popular phrases are â€Å"Bon Dia† for good morning and â€Å"Masha Danki† for thank you. Aruban food is simple in preparation and taste. Mostly grilled without a lot of grease or spice, chicken, fish and vegetables are often accompanied by local vegetables such as corn, broccoli, potatoes or rice. Johnnycakes are fried biscuits prepared with slat fish from Canada and Norway, which are popular in Aruba. Also popular are stews of beef, chicken, and goat, with ingredients of a cucumber called concomber and rice with black beans. Stuffed cheese, called keeshi yena, is a traditional Aruban dish dating back to the days of the Dutch West India Company. It was originally made by hollowing out the round Dutch cheeses and stuffing them with a mixture of chicken, vegetables, and spices. More modern recipes include raisins, grated cheese, breadcrumbs, olives, capers, and gherkins, and beef, fish or shrimp is sometimes used in lieu of chicken. Often eaten in place of bread is a ornmeal pudding similar to polenta. Slaves brought this recipe to the Caribbean from West Africa. Dishes of Asian origin, such as the Nasi Goreng and rijstaffel of Indonesia and the Chinese vegetables bok choy and snow peas, are included on Aruban menus. Desserts in Aruba are rich and sweet. Black cake, or bolo preto, is the Antillean rum and cognac-soaked delicacy of choice at Family events, such as weddings and birthda ys. It takes several weeks to prepare before garnished with white icing and sprinkled with silver candy balls. Other favorite Aruban desserts are sweet and colorful cakes and gelatins. The people of Aruba are predominantly Christian. Roman Catholics make up the majority with 82 percent of the population, while Protestants are second with eight percent. Other religions present on the island include Judaism, Muslim, Hindu and Confucian. There are several churches on the island that have become tourist attractions for their antiquity and beauty. The Santa Anna Church in Noord was built between 1914 and 1919. The neo-gothic wood-carved altar was sculpted by Hendrik van der Geld of the Netherlands and the stained glass windows were created in 1932 by Wilhelm Derix of Germany. Built in 1877, the rectory of this church is the oldest in Aruba. Our Lady of Alto Vista is located on a high plain near the north coast. It is a quaint, simply constructed chapel, which had a clear view of approaching pirate ships from the north. The original structure was built of stone and wood in 1750 and the antique Spanish cross is the oldest work of art in the Netherlands Antilles, except for Indian Artifacts. Carnaval, Aruba’s most exciting celebration, is preceded by weeks of celebration, parades, elections, contests, and parties. Many schools, business’s and organizations dress up in elaborate costumes to compete for coveted titles. At the beginning of the celebration, Aruba’s Prime minister symbolically transfers command of the country to the prince of Carnaval. Tivoli, Aruba’s oldest social club, has produced a dazzling nighttime lighting parade for this event. The Grand Carnaval Parade in San Nicolas begins in the middle of the night and lasts until dawn, and the Oranges tad parade takes place that next day, making for an exhausting weekend for celebratory Arubans. The burning of King Momo, a life-size effigy, marks the nd of Carnaval at midnight on Shrove Tuesday, before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Central figures in Carnaval lore are the beautiful queen and the prince, who is the authoritative figure guiding the parade and later restoring order with his sidekick, pancho. Music is an integral element at Carnaval and most popular are the Caribbean beats of Tumba and Calyps o. The origins of Carnaval are found thousands of years ago. The work is derived from the Latin carne vale, meaning farewell to flesh, signifying the time when many Christians gave up meat and other sacrifices.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Building stone conservation

The construction industry and its activities have an important role to play in socioeconomic development and quality of life. Construction activity accounts for more than 50% of the national outlays. Building Construction costs registered an increase in rates year after year at scales much faster than inflation. It is seen that in view of the increase in cost for basic input materials like steel, cement brick timber and other materials as well as the cost of construction labour, buildings cost increase at around 20% to 30% annually even when inflation is in single digit.Even though income levels of people are by and large brought in line with the levels of inflation through inflation indexed rise in salaries, year after year, housing is moving beyond the reach of the majority of the people. The reducing housing size for various categories in consecutive years in respect of the plinth areas, nature of specifications even with increased income levels would indicate the rapid increase i n cost of construction.The urban population growth has increased to more than 30%, and has made the need for adequate housing for low income people a very important concern for the government. However, the rush to respond to these needs seems to result in a low quality housing that does not adequately match the needs of these people. In countries where construction contributed 3-5% to GDP, an implication for development policy was that unless the construction industry grew faster than the economy as a whole it might constrain national development (Han and Ofori, 2001).The construction industry is a main contributor to the national economy, therefore the more developed the industry is the more the contribution to the economy. Similarly, a developing economy leads to more construction projects and purchasing ower means affordable projects. The interlink relation between the construction industry and the economy makes it clear that development can not occur without the other, although a growing construction industry does not necessarily mean a developing industry nor economy.In fact, the increase in construction prices could cause an artificial indication of the contribution of the construction industry to the GDP and economy. Furthermore the increase in construction costs always occurs faster than the increase in the GDP/capita. Approximate costs generally include mechanical and electrical installations, but exclude furniture, loose or special quipment, and external works. They also exclude fees for professional services and permission fees. The costs shown are appropriate to local specifications and standards.This should be borne in mind when attempting comparisons with similarly described building types in other countries. One of the main barriers to sustainability and sustainable construction will be affordability. The construction industry in developing countries cannot afford to make any dramatic changes but has to start improving the existing technology an d local resources it has. In less than two decades, the construction costs have increased by a considerable rate. This is in respect of the normal types of housing construction.Still higher levels of costs are registered for using better finishes and amenities. The current situation of un- affordability, necessitates the need for using economical solutions and appropriate designs and construction materials which can bring down the cost of construction within the affordability levels of the people, as identified in the Agenda 21 for sustainable construction in Developing Countries which concerns with construction economic efficiency through national and international housing policies that ensure adequate, affordable and sustainable housing.Authors such as Adebayo (2000), McIntosh (2000) and Aboutorabi (2000) has addressed out that the sustainability development of the built environment is significantly linked to affordability, and affordability will remain a key barrier to sustainabi lity. CONCLUSION The development of the construction industry should lead to affordable construction activities and materials, which is one of the main issues of sustainability in the developing countries. It seems that the development of the construction industry to achieve efficiency, quality, affordability and then sustainability is strongly tied to the economy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Representation of Women in Bollywood

Cinema is meant and believed to entertain. It is a popular media of mass consumption which plays a key role in molding opinions, constructing images and reinforcing dominant cultural values. The representation of women characters in the main stream bollywood movies. Hindi cinema has been a major point of reference for Indian culture in this century. It has shaped and expressed the changing scenario of modern India to an extent. Bollywood cinema has influenced the way in which people perceive various aspects of their own life. Bollywood’s journey is nearly hundred years.Bollywood has been essentially male-centric, leaving a little space for the female counterparts to evolve and grow as performers. In earlier films, they were based on mythology or historic kind, where male were given importance and female were showcased here and there. Now, it’s different. As women in India redefined the status and role in the society, it is seemed to be reflected in the films as well. Bu t up to what extent is it true it should be a healthy practice. There is no reason to think women as sensitive creatures and huddled behind a veil.The way of living of real life women is the inspiration for reel life act. But is it an exact portrayal of what we see in real life? The changes found in the characterization of women in the last decade are vast. WOMEN CENTRIC FILMS During 2002 – 2012, there is a lot of notable women centric films. Women being protagonist is either portrayed as a positive or negative character. But there are also movies like â€Å"JODHA-AKBAR† which is not under this category but the characterization of Jodha, makes us feel that movie is being pulled by her.Likewise, â€Å"ROCKSTAR† the entire movie is scripted on the heroin; but the character of her is negative (i. e. against the social ethics). Women are either portrayed as modern life â€Å"Sati-Savithri’s† or entirely the negative version. But women are hardly portra yed as they are in real life. The movies are made for the audience. Therefore, they portray in such a way , how they could grab the attention of their audience. There is a blind mindset always makes the filmmakers to insists their heroin to dress up in more of glamour kind.The teenagers are also found to be in modern outfits. But, not as they portray in cinema. WOMEN IN REALISTIC FILMS In real life depicted films like â€Å"RAAJNEETHI† , â€Å"SARKAR† , â€Å"SARKAR-RAJ† women are showcased boldly and courageously. In a movie like â€Å"GURU†, the women’s role is soft and subtle. This type of characterizations inspires and develops the respect for women in society. Like wise, movies like â€Å"RAAGINI MMS† should not be encouraged. They should be a ban. As this will definitely have affect on the social dignity of women.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Media Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Media Globalisation - Essay Example The usage of facts and figures has been excellent here and the writer has not stepped back in accepting the fact that the Japanese television industry is highly influenced by the American industry. Then the trend of the Japanese television industry has been explained. The trend shifted towards more television shows from movies due to the huge boom in the popularity of television serials (Chun, 2006, p.368). Though American influence was present but since 1980s except some television serials imported from America others haven't fare well in Japan. American movie culture is still quite famous and people enjoy watching movies produced in Hollywood. The fame of television series' led to a decline in the movie audience and this lead to more filmmakers turning towards television industry, which only led to an increase in the popularity of television serials (Blumenthal et al, 2006, p.592). The importance given to a television serial is on the basis of its local touch that is the viewers do n't really care if the serial is a copy from some other television industry what they really care about is the 'Japanese odor' in the serial. The solution to this situation was to import television shows from different industries and run them in Japan adding a local touch, which proved to be quite successful in the end. One of the example of such television show mentioned by the writer here is 'Who wants to be a millionaire'. The success rate of this show in Japan was huge though it was an imported show but the cultural touch relevant to Japan that was given to it proved outstanding. The Japanese version is mostly the same as of the version running in Britain but with some amendments like the appearance of celebrities as challengers. The draw back that this article has here is the mentioning of an international television show being popular when the writer himself mentioned that locally produced television serials are more liked by Japanese people. To level out this effect the write r than discusses a show that was imported from America but failed to make its mark in the Japanese television industry, the name of the program is 'Survivor'. The cultural products that Japan exports are called culturally odorless as they do not depict any cultural theme of the country. It is in this context that the Japanese is called Mukokuseki which means something or someone lacking any nationality. Now the writer directs his attention towards the television serials that are being exported from Japan. The interesting fact here that the writer mentions is the number of programs being exported by Japan is far more than imported. The writer also discusses the point raised by many critics who say that the largest shareholder of Japanese exported programs is animation and cartoons. This point is further supported by the fact that the writer presents, the fact is that animated programs produced in Japanese only consist of 1 percent of the total animated programs being produced by Japan confirming that they are being produced to export. The animation producers do not portray Japanese culture in the cartoons and games because they think that this is better for these programs as they are for export. (Gomery & Hockley, 2006, p.142) By glocalizing, the Japanese are buying highly prominent program formats in the West and then localizing them according to the tastes of the Japanese. The author points that the format business is considered as a highly effective and

Monday, August 12, 2019

Law of corporate governance question ( Criminalising corporate Essay

Law of corporate governance question ( Criminalising corporate governance failures is a step too far. Discuss ) - Essay Example To begin with, it was established in Salomon v. Salomon and Co. Ltd that a registered corporation is a legal person, separate from its members. This principle may be referred to as the veil of the incorporation. Therefore, the law will not evade this rule and go behind the separate personality of the corporation to the members.1 So many reason exist for corporate officials to hind behind the veil2; one which is to commit fraud, another many be to â€Å"confuse and conceal†3 But there are exceptions to the rule in Salomon’s Case where the veil is lifted, or pieced and the law disregards the corporate entity and pays regards instead to the economic realities behind the legal facade, that is, where the facts supersede form. The exceptions should however be classified between those provided by statute and those provided by law4 Why must the courts lift the veil of the corporation? The sole reason is because maintaining it will cause many problems to criminalize corporate go vernance failure. ... e personality to the individual members or ignores the separate personality of each company in favour of the economic entity constituted by a group of associated companies†6 The courts have adopted a more generalized approach based of the interest of justice as being the guiding light. Thus, Lord Denning M. R was prepared to lift the veil in Wallersteiner v. Moir7. Instead of relying in the interest of justice approach, the Court of Appeal in Adams v. Cape Industries plc8 had applied the test as stated by Lord Keith in Woolfson v. Strathclyde Regional Council9 that the veil would only be pieced where special circumstances exist indicating that it is a mare facade concealing the true facts. Therefore, there must be some improprietory before a veil can be lifted10 such as fraudulent trading11 or wrongful trading12. Instead of relying in the interest of justice approach, the Court of Appeal in the Adams case had applied the test as stated by Lord Reid in the Scottish case of Woolf son v. Strathclyde Regional Council above, that the veil would only be pieced where special circumstances exist indicating that there is a mere facade concealing the true facts. The case, like Adams concerned the issue as to whether a group of companies ought to be looked upon as a single company for the purposes of instituting legal proceedings. The court’s position is therefore even becoming clearer. There must and forever be some evidence of imporprietory. On the other hand, where the existence of some improprietory cannot be established, the courts will never lift the veil. Therefore, and in such cases, the company cannot be criminalized. This approach was taken by Toulson J in Yukong Line Ltd v. Rendsburg Investment Corporation13. A similar approach was also taken in the case of Ord v.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The importance of Coaching within Raising Employee Perfomance Research Paper

The importance of Coaching within Raising Employee Perfomance - Research Paper Example When there individuals within an organization that need to enhance their skills for better operations, coaching thus is done on them to improve their delivery potential as well as make those individuals more productive to the organization (Charness, 2014,pg.87). Coaching therefore will target areas such as skills that need to be developed or strengthened; the lapses that exist in work; behavior and performance output of individuals. When these weak areas are recognized within an organization, the employees are taken through coaching by the managers or supervisors depending on the organizations policy (Charness, 2014, pg.35). A case study that reveals the benefits of coaching can be drawn from the UK rail industry where up to 13 coaches were tasked with the responsibility of increasing the skills of customer service for about 350 people in their organization (customer hosts). As a tool to improve employees output, coaching has had other numerous benefits to UK rail industry including: nurturing and improving an individual’s talent; setting expectations about the employee and making the organization managers accountable; engaging leaders in organization activities; professional satisfaction; boost of employee morale; and overall improvement of the organizational goals. This report therefore aims to discuss coaching explaining its purposes; benefits; and challenges. Additionally, the report will give a brief conclusion on the topic of study. Coaching can be defined as process that enables an individual to learn and develop skills from a direction and advice provided by a seasoned expert or professional (Crane, & Patrick, 2014, pg.89). Additionally, coaching can be understood as a process that involves directing, training as well as instructing an individual or a group of persons to develop certain skills necessary to achieve some goal. Directions can be given through motivational talks while trainings offered through seminars and

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Gullfaks Oil field Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Gullfaks Oil field - Research Paper Example Oil exploration in the location where Gullfaks main field occupies started after the discovery of Brent Field in 1971. Hence, revealing the prospects of occurrence of Middle Jurassic Brent group sentiments, which are significant and highly rich hydrocarbon reservoirs. The first licensing that saw inception of drilling was in 1978 whereby the first well (34/10-1) managed to go through Jurassic section and encountered approximately 160 m width of oil-filled Brent sandstones region. This comprised of a column, which extends to the basement of Brent Group. Other four wells that followed the initial well were 34/10-3, -4, -5 and -6 whose respective locations are in the western region. The main operator of this field is Statoil, which took over its full operations in 1981 turning it to be the third largest state’s field located in the Northern Sea whose capacity was twice that of Angola (Vassiliou, 2009). Since, then up to date the field stand in the Norwegian history as the first o il reserve developed and managed by one of the state’s corporations successfully. This is to the extent of Norway becoming the third net oil exporter in 2001 whereby its yield reached approximately 223,000 bpd in 2002. The location of main field lies at 34/10 block in the Northern Norwegian Sea, whereby after exploration the main operator (Statoil) spearheaded development of other three key concrete platforms, which are Gullfaks A, Gullfaks B, Gullfaks C respectively (Statoil, 2013). Licensing Authority Statoil acts as the main operator due to its big number of shares though there are other partners whose holdings are as per the table below. Table 1: Gullfaks Licensing authorities Partners Shares % Statoil 51 Petoro 30 OMV 19 Recently, Statoil in quest to advance and increase its yield in platform C has decided to offer a two-year contract to Aibel whose aim is to initiate varied modifications that will guarantee the field’s anticipated production (Stavanger, 2010). Mainly, Aibel will foresee connection of Pandora satellite to Platform C whereby this is one of the first projects the operator intends to undertake besides other varied tasks meant to advance the entire field facilities (Stavanger, 2010). In addition, Statoil in order to be effective and neutralize immense competition globally has recently decided to sell 19% of its holdings to OMV, whereby its operations were to commence in 1st January this year (Oil & Gas Eurasia, 2013). Oil and Gas processing facilities The field comprises of three distinct processing facilities commonly referred as platforms whereby A and C performs are independent of each other besides having three separation stages (Statoil, 2013). Mainly, these platforms include Gullfaks A, Gullfaks B, Gullfaks C whose operations started in 1986, 1988 and 1989 respectively (Statoil,

Web Site Evaluation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Web Site Evaluation Paper - Essay Example The essay "Web Site Evaluation Paper" discovers the evaluation of Forbes website. The website defines the credentials of the author by showing that he was part of the Great Premium Content Experiment at AOL as a media columnist for the business website Daily Finance. As such, he has authority and credibility to author this web page. Moreover, the introductory materials reveal that the author was motivated to publish this information on the web. In fact, the author claims that he would be bored if things were not different which means he is motivated to publish this information on the web. Ultimately, the website provides the contact information of the author by offering his email address, his twitter account, and his Google account, which means that the audience can respond to his works and interact with him freely. The website’s purpose to inform, explain, or persuade is very clear. The title of the website reflects a clear opinion that the website seeks to pass to the target audience. The title, â€Å"Larry Page: Google Should Be Thinking Bigger with Its R&D† reflects a clear purpose to inform, and persuade the audience. Indeed, the site is explicit, as the title leaves no room for confusion or doubt about the author’s point of view. In fact, the website starts by introducing the author’s points of concern, which are some of the blue-sky products that Google is developing now. The website indicates clearly that the author has an affiliation with a specific organization by asserting that Jeff Bercovici is Forbes. staff. It goes ahead to give the organization’s domain as part of the author’s contact information by giving his email as jbercovici@forbes.com (Bercovici 1). Most of all, the website does not indicate its specific audience since it claims the author covers media, business, entertainment, and technology. We can establish that the topic covered by the website is very clear since it is explicit. However, part of the audience might not know what the initials R&D mean in this context and hence some ambiguity. The website equally uses an easy language to present the relevant information discussing the topic and thus its clarity and effectiveness. Notably, the site exhibits suitable depth and comprehensiveness to fulfill its purpose. To this effect, the website uses relevant information, presents the inner and crucial details of the company in reference, quotes the views of relevant business leaders (Bercovici 1), and integrates all pieces of information to support the author’s view. Indeed, the information presented by the website clearly supports the opinion of the author. It uses historical evidence like when it quotes the example of Google’s massive success in mobile (Bercovici 1). It also quotes the actual words of Google CEO, Larry Page who sought to persuade investors on the viability of the current project. The website clearly states the sources of information and we can indeed ascertain that the information is original. This is because the author uses direct quotes to state what