
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Biomedical research: Propolis Essay

Propolis is the focus of a large fall of look into projects.21 Some preliminary research findings (published in the biomedical literature), unitedly with their limitations, are described below. Readers are reminded that the following information represents preliminary research and does non constitute medical advice. Readers are directed to their local doctor or healthcare provider for medical advice.As an antimicrobialeditPreliminary scientific studies show most types of propolis have in vitro antibacterial22 and antifungal23 activity (with active constituents including flavonoids exchangeable galangin24 and hydroxycinnamic acids like caffeic acid25). In the absence of whatever in vivo or clinical studies however, it is not clear if this antimicrobial activity has any therapeutic relevance.As an emollientPreliminary in vivo studies with rats suggest propolis may be in force(p) in treating the inflammatory component of skin burns.2627 Also, a clinical running has shown Brazi lian propolis skin cream to be superior to silver sulfadiazine for the interference of partial thickness burn wounds.28 Recent studies have raised concerns some the cogency of silver sulfadiazine however, with suggestions it may actually delay wound healing. make headway clinical research is needed.As an immunomodulatorPropolis has been reported to exhibit both immunosuppressive and immunostimulant effects.2930 Further research is needed to establish if there is a pragmatic application for these seemingly opposing pharmacological effects.As a intervention for allergiesThough claims have been made for the use of propolis in treating allergies, propolis can itself have severe allergic reactions if the user is sensitive to bees or bee products.31As an literal hygiene productPropolis has been the subject of recent dentistry research, and there is some in vivo and clinical evidence that propolis might protect against dental cavity and other forms of oral disease, due to its ant imicrobial properties.32333435 Propolis is also being investigated for its efficacy in the interference of canker sores36 and in reducing the inflammation associated with canalize debridement and endodontic procedures.As an antioxidantOne in vivo study has shown that propolis reduced the chances of cataracts in rat pups.38 Again however, in the absence of any clinical studies, it is not clear if this activity has any therapeutic relevance.In crabby person treatment and cancer preventionIn in vitro tests, propolis induces cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and reduces expression of growth and transcription factors, including NF-B. Notably, caffeic acid phenethyl ester down-regulates the mdr-1 gene, considered responsible for the resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents.39 In in vivo studies with mice, propolis inhibits 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone-induced tumorigenesis.40 Again however, in the absence of any clinical studies, it is not clear if this activ ity has any therapeutic relevance.

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