
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Koss management Case Essay

1. Why might Koss management have placed so much trust in Sachdeva, along with minimal supervision and monitoring? Koss management might have placed so much trust in Sachdeva because she was is such a high position. She worked in the company as Vice President, when you are that high on the totem pole, you are given trust that you know what you are doing and that you want what is best for the company. Companies don’t hand out positions to people that have no clue as to what they are doing as well as someone that they believe will ruin the company. The same thing goes along with having minimal supervision and monitoring. She was a Vice President, someone that was supposed to be trusted, someone who was a leader, someone who was supposed to set an example. It just goes to show you that it is not always the person on the bottom of chain that needs to be watched. It is easier for higher up management and owners to sneak money away than the one who have minimal access to records and bank statements. 2. What was Grant Thornton’s obligation to uncover the fraud? Grant Thornton was Koss’s internal auditor. An internal auditor is defined as â€Å"An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.† (p. 23-24) As the auditor for this business, Grant was supposed to make sure that every piece of financial information was in its right place as well as wrote and calculated right. Clearly Thornton did not do his job the right way. By looking at the numbers provided, any auditor could see that something is not right in the company. After seeing it, the auditor would address the issue and deal with it the proper way. I have a feeling he knew all along what was going on but was too afraid to open his mouth. 3. Why should Sachdeva’s lavish lifestyle have raised suspicions? Why might it have been ignored or explained away by her professional colleagues? Sachdeva’s lavish lifestyle should have raised red flags soon after it started to happen. It should  because most people that work in a company roughly know how much each person makes. After seeing her spend the money she was someone should have investigated a little more. I mean it is possible for a Vice President of a company to be rich, but for a life style to go to the extreme as spending $1.4 million on a shopping spree is questionable. One of the number one ways to detect fraud is by a change in lifestyles. Her new lifestyle could have been ignored because of her job title. No one wants to question their boss, let alone someone higher up in management. By doing that, all you are asking for is to get fired. In the book it says that people assumed she used family money or her husbands, but not one person questioned her about it. (p. 116) No one wanted to be the one that was questioning the boss. It is much easier to turn and look the other way than stand up in what you b elieve. 4. How could management, the audit committee, and the auditors have been more professionally skeptical in this situation? The audit committee and the auditors could have checked financial more often than what they did. When they noticed that the income was dropping quite a bit each year, they should have started looking at documents more closely as well as more often. The audit committee is supposed to speak with management on their findings. Well instead of talking to the President and Vice President, they should have only talked to the President. There was really no communication in this business when it came down to financials. It was basically whatever Sachdeva said was right. No one stepped up to double check her work and no one questioned it. Being a bigger company, more than one person should have defiantly doubled checked the financial statement. 5. What was the audit committee’s responsibility to notice that something looked amiss in the financial statements? The audit committee’s responsibility was to look over the accounting and financial reporting process as well as the financial statement audits; appoint, compensate and oversee the external auditor; and to ensure that the company has a whistleblower program. (p. 52) At first glance the committee could notice that something was not right with the company’s financial records. But nothing was done and nothing was said. 6. Sachdeva paid for her purchases using corporate credit cards. What internal controls could the company have used to prevent inappropriate use of the credit cards? One thing internal controls could have done was make Sachdeva turn in receipts along with a credit card statement at the end of each  month. By doing this, every dollar spent on company card can be accounted for. You can see not only where the money is going but what the money is spent on as well as the date and time it was spent. This is just one simple way to keep fraud down. Many companies require this every month with their employees. For every transaction where a receipt cannot be present is deducted from their pay check. Another thing the company could have done is set a limit on the card. By setting a limit, you can make sure amounts are not being spent that shouldn’t be. 7. Some reports have described Sachdeva as having a very dominating personality, and revelations were made about the fact that she would often be verbally abusive of her subordinates in front of top level managers at Koss. How should top-level managers have responded to this behavior? What actions could the subordinates have taken to respond to this behavior? Top-level management should have put a stop to it right at the start. By allowing it to happen, shows her that it was ok. If they would have stated something in writing and verbally, she may have either stopped or possibly could have be let go. Also by allowing this to happen, shows other employees that it is completely ok to act the way to other employees as well as people above her. Some actions that defiantly should have been taken would be to sit her down and just talk to her and let her know that it is not acceptable in the company, especially to her bosses. The next action would be like I said to have something in writing and have her sign it. Not only does this cover the company’s butt, but you have the proof that you said something to her. By doing this, she cannot come back and say that she wasn’t aware she was verbally abusing anyone and that nothing was brought up to her. References Rittenburg, Larry. Johnstone, Karla. Gramling, Audrey. (2012) Auditing: A Business Risk Approach 8e. Mason: South-Western, Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Russia & Economy

Since attaining her independence in the early 1990’s Russia can pride herself in emerging as a middle economy which has registered an average annual economic growth rate of 6. 5%. This is largely attributed to her embracing a free market economy to replace the earlier central command approach. The World Bank notes that this economic growth has seen the number of people living in extreme poverty reduced. Trade especially exports of natural resources for instance oil and gas blended with stability in the macroeconomic policies adopted can be blamed economic achievement.However, there are major challenges that threaten this success story. The need for diversification of the economy, adoption of environmental conservative measures like the fight against deforestation has intensified in the increasingly globalized economy. Various non governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as international institutions have played a significant role in ensuring that this goal is attained. In the process, losers as well as winners have emerged. Many NGOs have been at the forefront to chip in their devoted efforts to resolve the deforestation problem in Russia.World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, an environmental based organization advocates for sustainable forestry in Russia. In the recent times global warming issues have intensified and are a cause of concern due to the effects on climate change. (WWF, 2009). WWF Russia has intensively ensured that this information is disseminated across Russia. It adopts collaborative measures with the owners of the forests as she works to realize this goal. The objective is to ensure that CO2 emissions, a greenhouse gas responsible for global warming are reduced.WWF highlights the effects of deforestation on wildlife as well as on human beings. It advocates for responsible forestry especially in the timber trade. WWF Russia is also committed to ensuring that the Russian artic and the wildlife there are also conserved. The biodiversity of th e Northern Caucasus region must be protected from deforestation, wild fires and poaching if the wildlife contained there is to remain unharmed. In this regard, WWF Russia ensures that companies control their spillage or observe safe or responsible waste management practices.It also encourages responsible fishing. Joint efforts are vital if this goal is to be attained. WWF Russia advocates for ‘the protection of water sheds as well as the limited soil disturbances to ensure positive effects on the timber harvested’. (WWF, 2009). Another important environmental NGO is Green Peace which also advocates for conservation of forests. Green Peace has registered success by reducing the felling of trees especially in the North Western parts as well as the Russian Far East regions. (Greenpeace)In addition to the environmental organizations, there are human rights organizations like Indem foundation which have been committed towards promoting democracy in Russia. This is done throu gh collaborative efforts with the civil societies, public officials as well as government organizations. Major issues addressed by Indem include anti corruption, issues of international cooperation, reforms in the government and the political arena as well as justice assistance. This NGO tries to ensure that people know their rights and follow the right procedures to have them respected. (Indem Foundation, 2005).International institutions like the EU and the World Bank have also played a significant role in influencing Russia. The World Bank highlighted the need to ensure diversification of the economy to allow equitable growth while reducing the poverty levels. In an effort to ensure that Russia moved with the modern times where globalization is enhanced the World Bank created a 3 year strategy. The main objective in the strategy adopted would be to ensure sustained growth, improved management especially in public led institutions, increased social services as well as increased rol e of the nation at a global level.Russia was expected to participate in global activities like assisting the less developed countries. (World Bank, 2009). Among the ways in which Russia can diversify her economy is through the promotion of agriculture. This sector is however faced by many challenges like excess use of chemicals, wrong choice of crops as well as extreme or excess farming. Another important industry is forestry which has also faced a lot of problems in the recent past. Exploitative foreign companies and criminal organizations have negative effects on the forestry industry.Other challenges include wild fires, pests as well as pollution from the industries. (Library of congress, 2006). Russia showed her interests in registering with World Trade Organization in 2005, a move that was expected to place her at a competitive edge in as far as her economic growth and development are concerned. However her failure to adhere to the stipulated rules for instance strict adherence to intellectual property rights sees her blocked from admission by some great economies for instance the US.(Palmer D, 2009). This has seen different bodies in Russia advocating for a change in how people perceive intellectual property rights. The need to view them as an investment has now become vibrant. Russia is a member of the EU, another international organization and she continues to accrue related gains. There are certain rules to be followed by all members of the EU community. Russia collaborates with the EU to modernize the economy, on security matters, international relations as well as on regional cooperation. (EC)In an effort to strike a balance between the economical, environmental as well as social interests the forest owners will be losers. This is attributed to the fact that they will forego their financial gains as they adhere to the harvesting. The society will gain as a whole as the adverse effects of global warming will be reduced in a safer environment. Russia has also gained from the globalization process especially in her trading activities with the larger EU region. The poor and marginalized in Russia who forms approximately 20% of the population have also emerged as winners in the globalization process.(World Bank, 2009). This is attributed to the fact that international organizations like the World Bank have been committed to change their plight. World Bank has been involved in collaborative research activities to find ways of how more jobs can be created. It also assists in health care provision by offering equipment as well as in preventive approaches to curb diseases. World Bank also shows commitment to boost Russia’s education, fight against corruption as well as acquire a safe environment. (World Bank, 2009).There are many governmental as well as non governmental organizations that affect Russia’s performance in the global environment. These organizations may have a direct impact on the Russians for instance those that empower the human capital while others may indirectly affect man for instance those based on natural resources like wildlife and forests. Regardless of the direct or indirect impact these organization lead to the emergence of losers as well as winners in the society. All in all, the benefits of globalization are enormous and ought to be embraced as no country is self sufficient.References: Doug Palmer. 2009. Russia's WTO bid still faces big U. S. obstacles. Reuters. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://www. canada. com/news/world/Russia+still+faces+obstacles/1453371/story. html EC. The European Union and Russia. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://ec. europa. eu/external_relations/library/publications/russia_brochure07_en. pdf Greenpeace. The Russian Forests. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://archive. greenpeace. org/comms/cbio/russia. html. INDEM Foundation. 2005. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://www.indem. ru/en/index. shtml Library of Congress – Fe deral Research Division. 2006. Country Profile: Russia, October 2006. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://lcweb2. loc. gov/frd/cs/profiles/Russia. pdf. WWF 2009. Reducing climate change in Russia through sustainable forestry. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://www. panda. org/who_we_are/wwf_offices/russia/index. cfm? uProjectID=RU0130 Wwf Pskov Model Forest Project. Retrieved on 9th April 2009 from http://www. svo. se/episerver4/dokument/sks/engelska/Swedish_Russian/PMF%20 Brochure_ENG. pdf

Health and Safety Essay

Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained and how people in the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. In my placement we have a safeguarding policy but we don’t have a health and safety polices that I am aware of but the safeguarding polices is available on the schools website. Anyone is able to get on to the website and their policies. We have a sigh by the sink in the staff room say warning hot water and we have a sigh in the classrooms letting children and staff knows that the water in the tabs is drinking water we also have fire safety sign around the school. They always have meeting every month on health and safety but it is only for the main teachers. We have a fire drill twice a year so all the children and staff know where to go in case of a fire they had a fire drill last week which was good cause I did not know where to go if a fire happens so it help me cause now I know where to go if a fire happens. We always tell the children not talk to strangers and when the children are going home they are not allowed to leave an till the adults tell them that they can go cause we need to make sure that the right people are picking the children up and that they are not going off with strangers or with someone they are not meant to go home with.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Letter to the Instructor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Letter to the Instructor - Essay Example The lessons have taught us that the writing process involves the conversion of ideas, thoughts and objectives to writings on paper with the audience in mind. One of my biggest challenges was to transform ideas into logical events when writing. Having mentioned one of the strengths I have discovered about myself which is the transformation of ideas and arranging them in some sensible order as in the Bus Stop essay I wrote during the semester. This is one of the ways your essay lessons have enabled me to transform my challenges into strengths. In the beginning focusing on the subject to write about was one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish as I always found my mind drifting away from the main subject. The other problem was that I kept worrying about my sentence structures and grammar and lacked the confidence to be creative in my writing. I managed to overcome all these problems through the lessons I learnt from you. I learned that the lack of confidence in my writing could be easily overcome by sharpening my writing skills and investing more time in thinking and drafting my ideas before beginning to write. I further improved my writing by setting certain standards with timelines to meet these goals such as reducing grammar mistakes in each subsequent essay and improving on the logical sequence of ideas in my writing. In the Bus Stop essay, the first sentence as mentioned earlier gives the reader an idea of what the rest of the paragraph is all about. The first statement on how I find myself in the middle of beauty of sunset which is a positive impression dictates the form that the rest of the paragraph will take. The paragraph underscores the beauty of the place. I have improved my confidence and use of similes and metaphors. For instance, in ‘Bus stop’ I use the simile as â€Å"nimbly as a squirrel† to portray the distinction between the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Lab Report Example The angle made by the triangle is represents the moon’s angular diameter (in arc seconds). Astronomical experiments predict apparent distances and sizes of the objects in the sky because most of the estimations are based on trigonometric and geometric measurements. This justifies the fact that every experiment would give a varied observation from previous experiments reported in literature that followed a similar protocol. However, the most important determining fact is the location of the experiment relative to the moon as well as the accuracy and the experience of the individual astronomer engaged in the experimentation. Given that the value obtained from this experiment reported an error of about 99 percent compared with the actual distance of the moon previously reported in literature as 384,000 km (Reis, 1), it showed that the distance obtained largely depended on the astronomer’s approximation. When the person carrying out the experiment is closer to the moon, a larger size is likely to be obtained as opposed to when the experiment is done from quite a distan ce. Therefore, the discrepancy noted in this observation could be attributed to the distance of the moon and the inaccuracy in measurements that are common in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Protecting the Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Protecting the Environment - Research Paper Example As a result of the industrial revolution and globalization, however, today, we are used to a lifestyle that promotes all these ills. However, they are also promoted by governments that work in collaboration with industries that tend to pollute the environment and exploit natural resources in an unsustainable manner. The initiative and the drive to clean up the mess, therefore, need to come from governments across the world. This has been slow in coming but slowly, across the globe, there has been recognition of the political nature of the problem and the need for a political solution for this problem. This paper shall focus on the initiatives that the Brazil government has taken so as to decrease pollution that occurs as a result of the gases that are emitted by vehicles that run on fossil fuels. An energy crisis that occurred in Brazil during the 1970s made the government of this region sit up and take notice of the problem and made it recognize the need for finding a solution that would be long-lasting, to this problem (Hofstrand). This crisis was the result of the scarcity of fossil fuels during the 70s that led a lot of countries to look for means to reduce their dependence on imports for fuel. While most countries switched back to fossil fuels as soon as the crisis was over, Brazil opted for a more lasting and environment-friendly option. In this move, we see how the political will of the government was important in the setting up of the policy that has today reaped rich rewards. The Brazilian government is far ahead of other governments in the sophistication of its machinery and the availability of ethanol- based fuel. The ethanol fuel industry would not have reached the heights that it has reached today if not for the will of successive Brazilian governments that have maintained the production of this form of fuel as a priority and initially offered heavy subsidies to this industry as a result of which many car- manufacturers started producing automobile s that ran on ethanol. By the middle of the 1980s, most of the cars that were being produced in Brazil were ones that ran on ethanol. The response that the private automobile firms made to the scenario that developed was one that was encouraging but was based on the market forces of supply and demand. This scenario came about because of the commercial viability of ethanol- based fuels for the consumers; a situation that evolved out of the government’s policy of providing subsidies to the ethanol fuel industry (Thompson). This made the option of ethanol a profitable one for the consumer classes which in turn influenced the automobile industry to switch to the production of vehicles that ran partially or completely on ethanol. The government’s policy that subsidized the production of these fuels is what was instrumental in the present situation where private players have stepped into the fray, thereby allowing the government to spend more on welfare projects that further enhance the standard of living of the Brazilians. The policies that were followed by the Brazilian government, thus, have enabled the protection of the environment, without compromising upon the goals of development that are important for a developing country like Brazil. This again goes to prove that the protection of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Feasibility study of a business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Feasibility study of a business - Research Paper Example There are restaurants however the quality, taste and service of these restaurants are not up to the mark. And even if, there are good quality restaurants, then they charge too high prices therefore it becomes difficult for people to go to restaurants on a regular basis. These opportunities would allow the newly introduced restaurant, Hamara Khana to make a mark in the UAE food mark. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the growing countries in the world particularly in the Middle East Region. Investors around the world have been evaluating the feasibility of investing in the country (Gimbel, 2007). There are several opportunities available for investors and for businesses. Because of advantageous business conditions in the country, UAE is considered as the 14th best country in the world to start a business according to the report published by World Bank (Economy Rankings, 2011). The lifestyle and living standard of UAE has improved over the years (Human Development Report, 2010). This report analyses the opportunities that are prevailing in the United Arab Emirates market for opening a new restaurant. Almost 60% of the total population of UAE comprises of South Asians which includes Pakistanis, Indians, Bangladeshis, Chinese, Thai etc (National Bureau of Statistics, 2010) and therefore this report identifies and evaluates the feasibility of opening a new South Asian Restaurant particular that offers foods to Pakistani and Indians as both are high in numbers in UAE. The name of the restaurant is ‘Hamara Khana’ which means Our Food in Hindi (National Language of India) and in Urdu (National Language of Pakistan). Although, there are few restaurants offering food for South Asians however the market still looks promising and therefore this report will analyse the feasibility of opening a small restaurant in UAE. The idea of the business is to start a new restaurant, Hamara Khana. The restaurant would be offering

Thursday, July 25, 2019

I need these questions answered Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

I need these questions answered - Essay Example It is incredibly frustrating when the application software helpdesk says the problem is the operating system, and the operating system helpdesk   Compatibility between the software and hardware is an issue many a times. A normal windows system comes either in 32 bit memory system or 64 bit. Often software might not be compatible with any of these. Many a times the data formats so used are different in nature and cause turbulence. It is often caused due to the architecture of the hardware as well. To overcome this problem, many patches are available online, or windows original compatibility tools are available which help making the two work together. This situation can be overcome by using the kind of software that is most likely compatible with the softwares. A software tool test can be conducted in this regard. In modern times the software/ hardware compatibility issue has been reduced to a great degree. Technology is changing and improving at ever brisk a pace. The Moore’s law holds good in this case. The storage devices are no exception to the pace of technology. In less than two decades we have seen massive transition of storage devices taking place that have literally changed the dynamics. The change from floppy discs to compact discs to digital versatile drives (D.V.Ds) and now blu ray technology did not take long. Blu ray that supports over 30 plus G.B of data over one disc is just another thing now. The future would bring about Tera byte enabled hard drives. Portable hard drives are example of it. Solid state drives are best and hot contenders for replacing the conventional hard drives in times ahead. They would be HDD enabled S.S.Ds. Hologramic storage is another concept which has promise to it. Nano technology enabled storing devices are the items that would dominate the future. System configuration is a utility option that can be

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Early childhood education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Early childhood education - Essay Example Rationale Young children can learn mathematics from anywhere. Number is all around them such as their age, their address and their telephone number and children need to find meaning and connections between numbers, as if trying to understand another language In a sense, math’s is another language in another form that children need to decipher. At a very early age, children can already learn the concepts of numerical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, but of course, presented in a developmentally-appropriate manner This research proposal aims to find out how teachers in Key stage 1 approach the teaching of mathematics to their children At this age, it is important that children use a lot of concrete materials to learn math concepts since they still think in more concrete ways. That is why the use of manipulative materials is essential to their learning (Ruthven, 1987). Maths is viewed by some people as being complicated and a number of adults admit that they are not successful in math-related tasks. It is therefore important to study how young children can be helped to make maths more fun and easier to understand so that they will develop a positive disposition towards it. That way, it is assumed that they will be more successful in learning maths. Aim To explore how numeracy skills may be better learned using manipulative materials in key stage 1. Objectives 1. To research related literature on how numeracy skills are developed in KS1 including what strategies teachers use to involve manipulative materials.... The researcher is in a position to compare existing literature and decide which information will best answer the research aim. A literature search strategy was devised, involving identification of certain keywords. Online libraries were searched for full-text articles with the key topics: Key stage 1 maths, use of manipulatives, maths strategies, numeracy skills, perception of math teachers and the like. Matches that came up were analyzed according to the relevance to the study based on the following inclusion criteria: information was from 2005 or more recent, studies conducted in the UK only, author’s credentials were compared and only sources which referenced their information were included. This inclusion criterion enabled papers relevant to math education, numeracy skills and math teaching to be accessed. Forward and backward citations were also used. The qualitative information was based on the literature search which was specifically relevant to developing numeracy skil ls with manipulative materials. In addition, research on quantative methods, specifically on survey questionnaires and interviews were also sought. All the references were charted in a literature matrix as shown in the Appendix 1. Literature review Piaget (1969) theorised that intellectual development is influenced by both maturation and experience. â€Å"Cognitive development is indicated by a growing ability to plan, to employ strategies for remembering and to seek solutions to problems† (Brewer, 2001, p.26). Piaget describes the cognitive development of children progress in stages. Key stage 1 children belong to the Pre-Operational period (two to seven years) of Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development. This period marks the time when a child

Explanation essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Explanation - Essay Example These simplistic definitions of lying suggest that lying is a part of the communication process; lying is originated by the information sender; lying targets the information recipient, but there are no indications of the causes of lying (the reasons of lying). Researchers have long studied the characteristics of lying, but what is most important is to trace the reasons for lying; in essence to understand why people lie. This paper focuses on three propositions for the reasons for lying: lying as a product of an individual’s intention to withhold truthful information in order to deceive others, lying as an intention to prevent others from ‘injury’ or harm and lying as an unconscious practice where the individual who lies is not aware of lying. Lying often occurs in the communication process between individuals when one of the individuals has an interest in deceiving the other. It is very common that people will tell lies in order to produce false assumptions or false beliefs in their friends, families, peers or anyone with whom they communicate. According to Carson, this is the first and most important reason for lying, because individuals have in their nature the tendency to compete with each other, and thus lying can provide a relatively better position to one person against the other (48). Paul Faulkner, in his journal What Is Wrong with Lying, agrees with the view of Carson, and states that one of the most common reasons for lying is to make the others believe that what they are told is true while in fact it is false (536). Lying under the intention to deceive the listener can be viewed from different perspectives; lying to make the other person view a subject or an issue just like the person who is lying or lying in order to avoid the other person’s realization of the truth. For example, a child may lie to his or her parents in order to avoid

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

FAMILY VIOLENCE AND ABUSE Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FAMILY VIOLENCE AND ABUSE - Research Paper Example They tend to develop issues with their emotions (Wallace 1996). In 1994 and 1996 the Congress passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that confirms domestic violence is a national crime and Federal laws can help overburden State and local Criminal Justice System. VAMA is a legislative act that aims to improve criminal justice and community-based responses to domestic violence; violence in dating or courtship, sexual assault and stalking in the United States (Dziedzic 2009). Additionally, children who become offenders or victims may face great obstacles in life, like emotional, mental, and physical development. These obstacles include attention deficit, lack of proper social skills, educational difficulties, substance abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (Lloyd 2001). It is a federal crime under the VAWA, under the Gun control act for convicted felons to have a firearm or ammunition after conviction of a misdemeanour crime of domestic violence and a maximum prison penalty term of ten years depending on the seriousness of the bodily harm caused (Wallace 1996). The legislation defines domestic violence in-depth and understanding of the law to avoid misinterpretation. The offender gets a clear and proper judgment and proper action undertaken. The legislation also covers the rights of the victims and the offenders as it ensures both parties are properly represented. In the gun act where felons are prohibited from owning a gun or ammunitions helps a lot in ensuring that the spouse or children dont assault with a weapon that kills. Also, stalking is prohibited in some state with the intent to injure or cause bodily harm to a person who shared intimacy or were intimate with (Dziedzic 2009). These laws prevent further harm to people as many are often harassed by their former lovers who stalk them with intent to harm him or her due to the fact that their relationship did not go as they expected it to go, actions can now be

Monday, July 22, 2019

Remember the Titans Review Essay Example for Free

Remember the Titans Review Essay The movie Remember the Titans is one of the most inspiring sports movies in recent memory.. This is due to the performances of Denzel Washington as well as others in the cast but   its success can also can be attributed to the fact that the story was based on real life events. As is the case with most movies, those that are based on fact, no matter how loosely, usually seem to add to the drama that mindless action movies which are big on special effects and small on acting and story. Remember the Titans is not one of those movies because the racial tensions that were associated with busing and school integration in the last 1960s’ and 1970’s was one of the divisive sources during that time. For a young, contemporary society, it may seem difficult to be able to successfully transplant oneself into that specific time and place and to wonder aloud, what the entire situation was all about. There were tensions that came from the mixing of the two teams, regardless of their color.   Many players at T.C. Williams were counting on a starting spot for the football team, only to have many of the positions challenged due to the integration of the school. Due to the fact that the school that is being meshed into T.C. Williams is a predominately African American school, with the setting of the story taking place in 1970 Virginia, only adds to the frustrations on the part of the athletes from both schools. This reality places a stress on the already fragile relationships that the white and black players as well as students have for each other. However, in the end, the story has a happy ending and the school not only successfully integrates, but has one of their most successful years on the football field.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the major sources of debate within Titans is the way in which Herman Boone receives the head coaching job at T.C. Williams.   The school has been integrated and the football team, a bastion of relief and excitement for the masses in Alexandria, Virginia. Within the movie, it is plainly seen that the majority of white students and their families are not in favor of the integration of the school. What is the source of even more resistance is the fact that Herman Boone, not because of his merit but simply because of his race, is being made head coach over the current coach, Bill Yoast who has had his share of awards given to him for his splendid coaching record in the past. The school board feels that this is the appropriate choice to make as they believe that it will help the town to ease into the idea. This is not ethically right or proper. There is not way of knowing exactly how well the team would have fared if the coaches were picked on their merit instead of on race, but it seems that as long as starting positions on the field were earned by the physical and mental merit of the players, so too should the coaches be made to honor the idea of creating a meritocracy as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is not acceptable and is seen as the central aspect of the movie, are the relationships between the players from both of the schools. At first, many of the players on both sides did not want to befriend their competition with regard to the specific starting position that they were hoping to earn but also their competition in society as well. It is the efforts of Julies and Bertier, the leaders of their respective former schools and therefore, is divided by racial lines, which help to make the transition from two separate teams into one a bit easier. The two characters are very forceful on the football field as it is required to remain successful but they are also equally as forceful with regard to the integration of their fellow teammates. Both are resistant to the experiment by once they get on board with the idea, the rest are sure to follow. This is the true sign of a leader but also of the team recognizing the fact that they need to come together as a team in order to win. Cohesiveness of a team is what every coach strives to achieve. The second source of calm and rational thinking in the face of a situation that many on the team might respond to with hatred and bigotry, comes from Coach Boone and Coach Yoast. Yoast will eventually see the bigger picture and swallow his own feelings of mistreatment and submit to the will of the school board and usually, to the will of coach Yoast. He had such a stellar coaching record because he knew how to win. The same can be said about Coach Boone as well. He does not like the situation in which he was picked to coach T.C. Williams but he resolves that this is not only good for his career in the long run, but for the cohesion of the entire community as the football team serves as the center of life in Alexandria, Virginia. In the special features, the real coaches are shown talking as old friends and there is nothing to suggest that is not the case in real life. But the relationship of the two coaches, as was the case with the players, was a contentious one. Race obviously played a central role in the actions of the T.C. Williams football team. People are a product of their environment and Alexandria, Virginia expressed loudly, their feelings about the forced integration of their school as well as the football players did the same. But Coach Boone and Yoast as well as the majority of football players on the team realized what it took to win.   All had enjoyed winning seasons before the integration of the school. Had the teams never enjoyed victory and never yearned for success within their daily lives, there might have been little hope for this experiment to have succeeded. Only those living there at that time can accurately describe what life was really like during those times but the ethical behavior of the majority of players as well as their recognition of what it takes to win in this life, eventually became the paramount reason as to why the team went on to have a successful season and racial strife within the team unity could only be seen as a speed bump if they wished to continue to win. WORKS CITED Bruckheimer, Jerry.   Remember the Titans. Buena Vista. 2000

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Issues of Childcare in Contemporary Society

Issues of Childcare in Contemporary Society Kiran Buttar Unit 11 History of the child Task 1 : Using knowledge and understanding gained from study of this unit, together with independent research complete the following: Outline the history of the child including key events which mark significant changes in a child’s existence, together with description of example context of childhood Through independent research and demonstration of knowledge and understanding from study of this unit, draw comparisons between changes in childhood across a range of countries and cultures. Comment on similarities and differences, providing evaluation of underpinning rationale for these similarities and differences (for example economic, social etc.) Identify controls and strategies that have been historically and socially imposed on children Explain how the changes in family structure have influenced childhood experience; include comparisons between UK and other countries and cultures using independent research Define modern childhood and discuss current rights that are supported with legislation, policy and agency supervision Discuss conflicts that children may experience within a modern society . Task 2 : Using knowledge and understanding from the study of this unit, together with independent research complete the following: Describe legislation relating to child existence; in order to fulfil this element of task 2 independent research will need to be undertaken in order to evaluate historical and current relevant legislation Explain and discuss some complexities and challenges of childhood in modern society; provide examples. Introduction Restoring childhood historical record and further developing it has been taken up as major area of study by most historians and educationists who deal with children. Everyone would want to know how children grew up in the old times; what influenced their daily lives and what created meaningful impacts in their lives as they grew into adults (Lambert, 2008). It’s true when one goes through the history that children undergo stages in life that bring about significant changes in life. This also changes from time to time because of the continuing change in the way of life. The way a child was brought up in the Ancient Greece is different from the way it was in Egypt and further more different from the way it was in the United Kingdom and the present USA (Lambert, 2008). Similarly, the modern child is different from the ancient child. Upon this observing is where this paper is out to focus on outlining the history of children with emphasis on the events that have marks changes in a child’s life, comparison of childhood changes across countries and culture and a general commentary on the similarities and differences. The discussion of the above will further lead into the discussion of how changes in family structures have influenced children’s lives and the conflicts that children face in the current modern world. Any further legislation that has been set up to protect the child will also be reviewed. History of Children and Comparison across Cultures Children born some five hundred years ago had a rough life (Lambert, 2008). This was because few of the children born survived. Most of them died before their fifth birthday while others died their sixteenth birthday (Lambert, 2008). For those who survived, life was very difficult; they didn’t go to school. They instead helped their parents with work at home. The children grew up under strict discipline from their teachers and parents as most of the naughty children could be beaten up (Lambert, 2008). Despite this, the children had a lot of time to play. The most important event that would take place in a child’s life was learning, discipline and play. For example, in the ancient Egypt, children played with dolls, toy soldiers, ball and marbles. This is similar to what happens to children today. Also, these children never went to school. Instead, boys learnt farming and trade while girls learnt sewing, cooking and other skills from their fathers and mothers respectively. When compared to children in Greece, children were regarded as persons at the age of five. Parents were entitled to abandon newborns babies to die of exposure. Those babies got by strangers would later become slaves. Girls learned skills like weaving from their mothers. Unlike in Egypt, boys went to school and learnt reading, writing and arithmetic, and poetry and music. They believed physical education was important for boys. The early life of children in the USA was characterized by early recruitment into the local factories as labourers. This was implanted by the colonial attitude that rocked the country at that time. This was later changed through championship for child rights. However, in the UK projects were established to help parents to be the first people to educate their children before anyone else (Evangelou Sylva, 2007). This would give the children a good start in life. The focus was much on parent-child interaction which was seen as very vital for a child’s early learning (Evangelou Sylva, 2007). It would also contribute to the child’s later academic achievement especially those from low-income households. In England, Scotland and Wales, it is reported that one child in every five households received mean-tested benefits in a case where their parents weren’t working (Evangelou Sylva, 2007). Thus intervention programs were meant to do away with disparities in the presch ool years so that poor children enter school on a more footing to their affluent peers. Controls and Strategies historically and socially imposed on Children The children in the early ties got controlled through strict discipline. For example, in Greece discipline was severe to the extent that could often be beaten (Lambert, 2008). Those who did wrong were denied important basic needs like food, put under harsh treatment and whipped for any offence (Lambert, 2008). Similar to UK, children were expected to show respect to their elders. They were to grow according to the morals that they would be taught by their grandparents. Children in the UK were given equal opportunities for learning. At some point, the parents were required to show recognition of their early literacy achievement (Evangelou Sylva, 2007). They were also required to engage in interaction with children on literacy activities. High level of integrity was regarded as a virtue and whoever did not show it faced harsh consequences. How changes in family structure affects Children’s Experience It is a fact that children do display different patterns of life depending on the family context in which the child has been raised. For example, those children who have been raised in lone-parent families normally show little progress in their general well-being than those from two-parent families (Mackay, 2005). When parents opt to separate, the effects become adverse. This shows clearly that child outcomes are contingent on family contexts. With much reference to family separation, the impacts include interference in cognitive capacity, schooling, physical health, mental and emotional health, social conduct and behaviour, peer relations and criminal offending actions like cigarette smoking (Mackay, 2005). Such children often abandon their homes at early stages in life. Others later get subjected to sexual abuse (Mackay, 2005). In other words, research shows that children who experience multiple transitions in family structure normally face worse developmental outcomes than childre n raised in stable families (Fomby Cherlin, 2007). However, these multiple transitions and negative child outcomes are most associated to common causal factors such as parents’ antecedent behaviours and attributes (Fomby Cherlin, 2007). Modern Childhood and their Current legislation, policy and rights Comparative study of child history goes as far as exploring the differences that emerge in different nations and between the West and other societies. Unlike in the past where parents just gave birth to any number of children, in the modern world, there are policies that control the birth rates especially in Europe and USA. On the issues of Child Labour, there have been continuous reforms especially in the US. The US started it much earlier than Europe by developing a mass compulsory education. However, in America, children to date are allowed to express themselves and even dispute parental views and actions. In Europe, this goes against the crusade for obedience and good manners in the 19th century. Also, in USA, the enthusiasm for childish innocence and maternal affection surpasses that of Europe. To date the authoritarian parental approach ahs remained in Europe. Conflicts that Children Experience in Modern Society Children in the modern evidently have freedom to learn so much. However, the modern world also approaches them with conflicts that have great impact in their lives (Danziger, 2003). Some leave harsh experiences in their minds. The modern toady today faces conflicts like war in the society. According to the United Nations study on children, war in the form of harsh emotional, physical and sexual violence do shutter children’s world. War undermines their life foundations, destroys their homes and breaks down their trust in adults. There is need to reduce armed conflict for the sake of children. Complexities and Challenges of Childhood in Modern Society It is further a fact that the modern to some point has not taken issues of the child seriously. This is because of the so many complexities and challenges of modern childhood. This can be well seen through an exploration of the relationship between childhood and globalisation (Finn et al, 2010). Issues of social construction of childhood well present some of the challenges that affect children. These are: marketization, marginalization, medicalization and mobilization (Finn et al, 2010). These processes do shape the experience of the child as well as their social work policies and practises. Educational Setting in children’s Lives A focus on the historical educational practitioners shows how childhood was highly celebrated in the past. This is because these practitioners brought about an impact on the educational practice. Some of the impacts have been adopted into children’s early education today. To expand more on these, it worth discussing the philosophies that were presented by some of these theorists. An example is Fredrick Froebel. Fredrick had the idea that the key event that marked a child’s life was play. He presented the fact that children learn through exploratory, symbolic and free-flow play. Exploratory play meant children playing with natural materials consisting of clay, mud, water and sad, a type that would help them to get motivated and focus on building relationships between the child’s home and the nursery/school. Free-flow play entailed children learning freely without much use of adult supervision. In the end, the children would become independent. Symbolic play involv ed playing with objects to make them into something else. This would mostly happen in role-plays in that toddlers would use objects and transform them into something else. For example, a toddler playing using a bin would turn it around and use it as a drum. The idea of Fredrick was later introduced in schools in the form of physical plays. Children would go outside and work on their physical skills. This has influenced today’s society as children would need to do more than staying in classrooms. They would go outside or go on field trips. This would in turn help with their exploratory play and physical play as they would develop their physical skills as well as their intellectual skills. At most times, they used symbolic play area for children to socialise with each other and express their emotions. They also let children become independent so would use free-flow play. Another theorist was Rudolph Steiner: Rudolph Steiner saw children as having three developmental stages which would help them to become independent when they came into adulthood. These stages are the active stage; emphasis on feelings and the cognitive stage. The active stage started at the early ages of seven. This is where children play willingly but under adult supervision. However, the adult must ensure that the children show their independence. The stage where children would emphasis on their feelings starts at the age of seven to fourteen. This is where they would have emotional feelings from their heart and go further to express their feelings. Later came the cognitive stage which would start at the age of fourteen years onwards. This is when they would become independent without a lot of adult supervision. Rudolph saw children as having different developmental stages. His thoughts which had started at the age of 7 later came to influence today’s early years setting bec ause the adult role would be to observe the children to see if they are on the right tracking. Maria Montessori another scholar believed in motivating children. She believed that children are active learners, so would not need a lot of adult supervision as they should learn things on their own. She believed that children would learn naturally. This is a well-known placement around the world that showed Maria Montessori encouraged children to become independent and to do independent work. The reason why she decided to do this was because she wanted to encourage children to work alone so that they could get used to the routine when they are older. She argued that children are naturally self-motivated and that children are active learners. This would later enhance problem-solving skills in children. In her theory, Maria Montessori does not use free-flow play but considers it to be useful and important at times as it could be part of their daily routines, mostly at the ages of 3-5 years old. Steiner and Frobel on the other hand, believed that children should do things without a lot of adult supervision. This is because it would make them independent and they would not need to rely on other people as much as they should. Margaret McMillan had the same views as Frobel about free play and natural play. This is because they believed that it would help children to learn and recognise the natural materials, and build their knowledge on where they come from. McMillan also influenced the school meals and medical services. School meals would be used for those whose parents worked and did not have time. They gave medical service so that children could get checked up while in school. These check-ups consisted of things like head lice and meningitis shots. McMillan also thought that children needed meals while they are in any environment. She also informed about the child’s safety. If a child had hurt himself/herself then the adult’s role was to record it for the paren t/guardian so that they would realise what had happened. Another theorist Susan Isaacs believed that at the age of seven, children should not do things such as exams so as to give them time to do things such as creative play that would help them learn to express and feel differently. They would be able to move around and develop different developmental skills in their own time and in turn get used to schools routines. Susan Isaac encouraged children to express their feelings and use their imaginative thought in dramatic play, which would also consist of creative play. This would help children with their social and language development. Dramatic play was thus considered as the home corner in early years setting. They would have a home corner in their activity plan as it would help children with their learning and development. In today’s society, they would use Isaac’s views of dramatic play. This is because it would help them with their social skills. Reggio Emilia plays a role of artful balancing between engagement and attention which is based on careful and sensitive listening, observation/documentation, and reflection with other adults. She says that the teachers serve as resources and guides to the children. This would then help the teachers to work together with the assistance of other staff members and also the parents. This would in turn create a welcoming, learning and developmental environment. After a thorough look at the different educational practitioners that may have an influenced the education settings, it is clearly that the ones whose ideas most impacted up to today’s education settings are Margaret McMillan and Maria Montessori. This is because it comes out clear through analysis that Margaret McMillan was the one who influenced the practices in the UK. The reason why the education practice has improved when looking at Margaret McMillan practitioners is because, Margaret McMillan had influenced things such as free meal times, snack time, free-flow play and natural play. She also influenced and brought up the idea that children would get medical check-ups each year to make sure that they do not have things such as head-lice and chicken pox . These are vital illnesses that most children would receive when they are at the ages of 3-8 years old. Medical check-ups are there so that the illnesses do not get spread around to the other children. Sometimes parents mi ght not know if their children have the chicken pox. Therefore, they would send them to school where other children would receive them. This would be the same with head lice. Therefore, this called for regular check-ups. For example, when a child falls while playing in the playground, they would get it checked to make sure that there are not any bleeding/ bruising. If it occurs then the person who had witnessed it would need to write it in a witness book to show their parents/guardians. This book would in turn be signed by the parent on regards that they have spoken about the incident and had realised what had happened. This also helped to stop any dramatic effects that the parents/ guardian would use on the teacher in the future. References Finn, J. (2010). The meaning and making of childhood in the era of globalization: Challenges for social work. Elsevier. (Online). Retrieved on 19th August, 2013 from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0190740909002473> Danziger, N. (2003). Children and War. (Online). Retrieved on 19th August, 2013 from http://www.redcross.int/EN/mag/magazine2003_3/4-9.html> Encyclopaedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society.( 2008). Comparative History of Childhood. Retrieved from http://www.faqs.org/childhood/Ch-Co/Comparative-History-of-Childhood.html> On 19th August, 2013. Fombly. P. Cherlin, A. (2007). Family Instability and Child-well-being. Retrievd from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3171291/> on 19th August, 2013. Mackay, R. (2005). The Impact of Family Structure and Family change on Child Outcomes: A Personal Reading of the Research Literature. Ministry of Social Environment. Retrieved from http://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/journals-and-magazines/social-policy-journal/spj24/24-impact-of-family-structure-and-family-change-on-child-outcome-p111-133.html> on 19th august, 2013. Lambert, T. (2008). A Brief History of Children. Retrieved from http://www.localhistories.org/children.html> on 19th August, 2013.

Portrayal Of Drugs In Television And Movies

Portrayal Of Drugs In Television And Movies Television seems to glorify drinking alcohol and the use of nicotine whether actors are bellying up to Joes Emerald City Bar in Greys Anatomy or swigging a martini at MacLarens on How I Met Your Mother, (McKean, 2006) television seems to say drinking alcohol is sexy, popular and okay. Alcohol gets free exposure on prime-time television. In shows such as CBS Two and a Half Men, Foxs Happy Hour and ABCs Brothers and Sisters, cocktails and cigarettes have replaced the usual cup of coffee after work. These shows portray negative messages that drinking after work or at social gatherings is socially accepted. Reality shows such as Intervention and Celebrity Rehab depict the full range of alcohol and illicit drug use with real life footage of heroin, crack cocaine, meth and other addictions. These shows illustrate the physical and mental destruction of what can happen to a person when they use drugs. Shows such as Intervention and Celebrity Rehab show the downfall and the reality of drug use. While other shows seem to venerate the use of alcohol with humor and sex, these shows depict how strong addiction can be and how families are affected by drug use. Shows such as these send a strong message to viewers about the realities of drug use and the reality of treatment. There is no pretty picture painted about an easy recovery neither does it glamorize a cool picture of heroin, meth, crack, inhalants and alcohol. The reality is clear, it sends the message dont do drugs because this is what will happen to you, your family and your life. A positive aspect of the prime time television and alcohol use is that when an underage person is depicted as using alcohol they portray the consequences and turn into a positive learning experience. The negative aspect of alcohol and drug use in television is that it sends a negative message to teenagers, its says its cool to drink and smoke. According to Kids Health.com kids and teens ages eight to eighteen spend nearly four hours a day watching television ( The Nemours Foundation, 2010). This is about three times the time amount they spend listening to the radio. Children are greatly influenced by what they watch and many of them idolize stars from these shows and want the mimic what they watch, especially if the use of alcohol, nicotine and illicit drugs are glamorized. These shows depict unsafe behavior and often there are no consideration about the consequence of on the use of alcohol, smoking and use of drugs. Alcohol and nicotine seem to be a favorite among prime time shows; illicit drug use is mostly portrayed in movies. Illicit drugs use and alcohol are hyped up in movies more so than in prime time, but some movies also send a message how drugs can lead to destruction and the struggle to overcome addiction. In 1995, The Basketball Diaries staring Leonard DiCaprio portrayed the true story of Jim Carroll a teenagers struggle with heroin addiction whose only desires are the game of basketball and heroin. In The Basketball Diaries Jims the only escape from a best friend that is dying and a coach who is a child predator is heroin. In a downward spiral Jims addiction for heroin leads him into the streets where he steals, robs and prostitutes himself. It is only through a friend and his relentless pursuit of his desire for Jim to be clean that he overcomes his addiction and fulfills his dreams. The message in The Basketball Diaries relays how drug addiction can destroy your dreams lead you int o a path of crime and self destruction. The message in this movie was a detail of how a lifestyle can easily be misled through the use of drugs and the struggle a person will have to take to overcome that addiction. This move portrayed a very effective message; drugs can destroy all your dreams, lead you into a life where basically you would sell your soul to get your next hit. It also showed the struggles to overcome addiction and how positive your life can become once you decide to make positive choices in your life. As much as alcohol and drug use may be glorified in prime time television, there are also antidrug advertisements that try to educate parents and children on peer pressure and the effects of drug use. In 1998 Congress created The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign in collaboration with Partnership for a Drug-Free America the goal of this campaign is preventing and reducing youth drug abuse across the nation. The main goal of this campaign is to create advertisements that deliver antidrug use and the dangers of that behavior to youths. According to The Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS) 2009 there is a correlation between increased teen exposure to anti-drug messages on television and a decreased likelihood of trying drugs over the past ten years. Four out of ten teens agreed that anti-drug messages made them more aware of the risks of using drugs and less likely to try the drugs (Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010). In one of the many advertisement the campaign has pr oduce, The Human Puppet the advertisement depicts a girl is passed out on a chair with her friends gathered around her, they are painting her face and have strapped her arms with scarves and are moving her hands as she is a puppet. The girl is in an unconscious state and never reacts to what her friends are doing to her they make reference to the fact that she is passed out and thrashed and that she will have a major headache in the morning. Eventually they walk away from her, leaving her slumped in the chair (The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, 2009).This was an excellent advertisement, and depicted the reality of what can happen when you consume alcohol as a teenager and the embarrassing situations that you place yourself in. The advertisement also pointed out the reality of what your friends can and will do to you when you passed out from alcohol use. The one weakness that was noted in this advertisement was that some kids may think that it was more humorous than educati onal. There should have been more depiction of what can happen when a kid drinks too much alcohol such as loss of body function or alcohol related illnesses. Overall these campaigns have been shown to work The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign began in July 1998 and its primary focus was on reducing marijuana use among adolescents. The data collected from the beginning of PATS in 1998 compared to the data collected in 2008 shows that the use of the media campaign has significantly increased the teen awareness and decreased the use of marijuana in teens (Drug Enforcement Administration, 2010). The policies that are in place to deal with the portrayal of drug addiction are planned through The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the primary function of this office is to establish policies, priorities, and objectives for the Nations drug control program. The goals of the program are to reduce illicit drug use, manufacturing, and trafficking, drug-related crime and violence, and drug-related health consequences (Office of National Drug Control Policy, 2010). The policies that have been established for drug addiction are the following that were obtained from the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation: Americans For Safe Access (ASA) an aggressive grassroots campaign working to push the Bush administration off its anti-medical marijuana crusade and allow states the right to choose and govern medical marijuana laws. Common Sense for Drug Policy (CSDP) a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding discussion on drug policy and raising questions about existing law and educating the public about alternatives to current policies. Criminal Justice Policy Foundation (CJPF) a non-profit foundation working on innovative solutions to problems facing the criminal justice system. Drug Policy Alliance (DPA) the nations leading organization working to end the war on drugs. Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) opposes the prison-building frenzy and supports rational policies consistent with the principles of peace, justice, freedom, compassion and truth. Human Rights and the Drug War a multi-media project that combines the stories and photos of Drug War POWs with facts and figures about the US Drug War, to confront the conscience of the American people and encourage individuals to take action for social justice. Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) a progressive think-tank with a project on U.S. drug policy and U.S. involvement in Colombia. Interfaith Drug Policy Initiative (IDPI) organizes people of faith to promote drug policy reform; i.e., moving from prohibition laws toward reasonable and compassionate drug regulation, education and treatment. Judges Against the Drug War provides an extensive online database of judicial opinions critical of the governments War on Drugs. The database represents judicial dissent against drug prohibition in state and federal jurisdictions from 1970 to the present date. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) current and former members of law enforcement who support drug regulation rather than prohibition. Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) works to minimize the harm associated with marijuana both the consumption of marijuana, and the laws that are intended to prohibit such use. Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) non-profit research and educational organization that assists scientific study of the risks and benefits of MDMA, psychedelic drugs and marijuana. National Drug Strategies Network (NDSN) coalition of organizations that offer information about drug control strategies. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) a nonprofit public-interest advocacy group that represents the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who smoke marijuana responsibly. Parents Ending Prohibition Parents Ending Prohibition is a non-profit organization, designed to bring together parents and other concerned citizens to protect our children from the devastating harms created by our nations war on marijuana. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) working to involve youth in the political process, and promoting an open, honest, and rational discussion of alternative solutions to our nations drug problems. Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform (UUDPR) a continental coalition of Unitarian Universalists leading the denominations efforts to develop and promote more just and compassionate drug policies (Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, 2010) In addition to these policies The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent United States government agency. The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable (The Federal Communications Commission, 2009). The division of the FCC that administers policies and license is the Media Bureau. This office controls what is viewed on television and although there are some limitations due to the First Amendment Act. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is another office that regulates how drugs are portrayed on television. The FDA monitors how pharmaceutical companies advertised their drugs on television. Pharmaceutical companies are allowed to claim the benefits of their product but they must also provide a website or referenced publications where consumers can find out more details regarding the products (Mosher Akins, 2007, p. 345). In 1994 T he Dietary Supplemental Health and Education Act was passed, this act established policies on the sale and advertisement of dietary aides on television. The influence that television has on our youth today is overwhelming and it is important that use of drugs, whether legal or illegal are monitored and regulated. The government as well as parents and guardians have a responsibility towards our future generation and it is important that we influence our children in the right direction.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The concept of masculinity has varied with time and place. In the West, the diversion between man and woman is thin line. On the contrary, considering the case of India the difference is wide. The crisis of masculinity is crawling into the society. In ancient times masculinity was Cicero said, "Viri autem propria maxime est fortitudo." Wrote in Tusculanae Quaestiones, (the Tusculan Disputations) series of books written by Cicero – In translation, Cicero states: "a man's chief quality is courage." In modern times, the stereotypical thought has changed. Man considered being the breadwinner and woman as house-maker has taken another shape. Liberalization leads to development in the society. The restrictions among the female section have minimized. Now woman has more liberty to express thoughts and live independently. Family boundaries have broken. Liberalization and globalization – From 1991 started the period of liberalization and globalization which refers to ongoing economic reforms. Globalization established growing number of global corporation in India. Consequently, the economic growth and reforms increased market efficiency. As a result new avenues for employment opened in the market. In the period of early 1990’s companies like General Electric, British Airways and American Express relocated their operation back in India. From the 19th century there has been two categories- participation of women and widows as labor force and upper class women in high status profession. ‘Man is powerful’ has been a clichà © as because women were always considered inferior to the status of man. The reluctant of male dominated domain to acknowledge the reality that woman were as good as men with respect to hard work, intelligence and le... ...vernor of Rajasthan Margaret Alva, told the media that the political parties are not to named but the male parliamentarians within the various party are not keen on passing the Women’s reservation bill. Ms. Alva said this in an informal interaction with journalists at the Raj Bhavan on the occasion of International Women’s Day. She also added that male parliamentarians are reluctant to leave their chairs. This is the reason for not passing the bill. (Hindu, 2014) Decision of this sort illustrates the fear of crisis of masculinity. For a man holding a position is a matter of respect. If the same is expected to share with woman the ego of man hurts. Crisis is defined. Holding position is not only restricted to sharing it with woman who are considered lower compared to the level of men. Man ego clashes with man also when comes to holding a rank/position.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Pay and Pay Detemination Essay -- Employment, Wages, Salaried Workers

The main intention of this essay is to discuss whether the wage earners and the salaried workers are paid according to market value, state edict, or the operational needs of the business and so forth. Indeed, Roberts (1972) implied that the labour cost associated with the pay matters can be the factors to pay determination, such as, affected to the legal regulations and political environments in specific nation, the dimensions view of labour forces and the decisions of the organization in top management. Why pay is important matters to workers, employers and the governments? Admittedly, pay is one of the most significant determinants of benefits to those who works and earns for living. So, to let the readers to understand more about the issue, the explanation on the key term, pay, will be the first and foremost. Generally, ‘pay’ can be referred to the wage and salary for the workforce, as the return of their efforts which putting into the work tasks. In reference to the Oxford English Dictionary, ‘pay’ has several explanations, and the most relevant will be as ‘†¦give someone money that is due for work done, goods received, or a debt incurred†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢(Oxford University Press, 2011). Additionally, from the economic terms, there are four types of factors of production, namely as land, labour, capital and entrepreneurship, functioned to describe the input of resources and used to create goods and services (Lipsey and Chrystal, 1999; Vengedasalam and Madhavan, 2007). In more specific terms, derived from the terms as above, ‘labour’, combined together with the terms of pay, this can be decoded that the labour forces have been charged and received their wages and salaries for the labour services that they provided to the employers. As Edwa... ...: In the early age, as the record from Kahn-Freund (1954 cited in Dickens and Hall ,2003, p.125), he quoted that by a leading academic lawyer’s comment about the limited role of British employment law in the period from 1870 to 1960s, as ‘There is, perhaps, no major country in the world in which the law has played a less significant role in the shaping of industrial relations than in Great Britain and in which today the law and legal profession have less to do with labour relations’. Although such statements verified that the legislation during that time has not comprehensive enough to cover the issues of industrial relations, this implied that the laws can play a vital role to such matter, bring more and more significant impacts when more and more areas are covered. So, the following will discuss about the way s of the state intervention directly and indirectly.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Creon Antigone by Sophocles Essay

In Antigone, written by Sophocles, Creon dominates the play with his powerful yet arrogant personality. Even though Antigone is the name of this play, Creon, the ruling king of Thebes with a no turning back attitude, proves to be the main character. Creon rules over everyone but that does not stop the intelligent Antigone from protecting her brothers dead body. She gets caught in this illegal act by the very dynamic character of Creon. There are endless personality traits to describe Creon, but certain traits that pop out are his strength/power and his stubbornness. Who is the man here, she or I if this crime goes unpunished?(Scene 2, lines 82,83). This quote is a simple example of how stubborn a king with that much pride can act toward his own family. We then learn that no matter how wrong he is in his decisions, he still sticks with what he believes to be the right punishment to Antigone. The other proving quote in Scene 3 (line 26) is when Creon states, Do you want me to show myself before the people? Or to break my sworn word? No, and I will not. Creon slowly starts to realize the right thing to do in his situation but something inside of him prevents him from saving Antigone. It could quite possibly be him knowing his own strength and power compared to everyone else. His strength plays a key role in the problems that occurred. Antigone sees right through this personality trait of his. Creon is not strong enough to stand in my way.(Prologue, line 35) Also,in Scene 1 line 118 Creon says,Theres nothing in this world that is more demoralizing than money. Creon really means it when he says this. He thinks that everything in the world has a price. His strength can be translated as a waste cause he doesnt use his powers for the better of the city of Thebes. His power completely forces him to believe that no one is above him. That is where the conflict began for Antigone and Polyneices. There was not much motivation for his actions besides his pride, which is apparently the cause of all their troubles. If Creon would have realized early on that the right thing to do is more important then power and pride, Antigone would not have of been dead. In Scene 2, (line 75,76) Choragus is right on when he says, Like father, like daughter both headstrong, deaf to  reason. Creon believes that his word over all should be the final say. But when Antigone, a female at that, defies him, he flips out and sentences her to rot in a prison cell. In his mind, he was rational with the choices he made. When it comes down to it, Creon was just trying to represent the position of the king. Unfortunately, his greed overcame his responsibility of the throne. His power against everyone else in Thebes proved to be significant when he sentenced Antigone. After the events that happened, he was still so stubborn to turn back. At the very end of this play, Creon finally realized his wrong doings and he said, I was the fool, not you. And you died for me.(Scene 5, line 92) Both his stubbornness and his power broke down and we saw the real Creon. Characters like this in Greek literature are important because the form the plot, the conflict, and the resolution. Without the Creons in plays, there would not be any tragedy or any thing to resolve at the end.

Narrative Reporting

annals describe and introduction of OFR is an important development in corporate province. The introduction of needed OFR do s of only timeal companies race to meet with the requirements of the law. Subsequently, the OFR was do non compulsory again plainly aw arness has been created. Every giftor k instantlys that he should look at the OFR of a political exposey he collarks to invest in. If the OFR is missing it raises doubts ab international the credibility and the intentions of the friendship .In approaching counterbalance though the mandatory article has been withdrawn, companies are likely to call down more comprehensive and informative OFR than ever before. narrative oercompensateing concentrates on presenting events and actions in real order so that complications and problems are understood. Narrative reporting concentrates on the descriptions, events and facts that pertain to events, identifying the strength who are involved and the manner in which the sequence of events took place. The OFR ( in operation(p) and financial review) is a report embroild in a federations one-year report and accounts that is induce to meet the requirement of corporate organization that enumerates the operating activities and financial affairs of the party.In the UK the Operating and monetary surveil was introduced with the purpose of change magnitude corporate responsibility. The purpose of this requirement was that assumeionate and environmental issues would be described in the OTR and this would tolerate a wider level of schooling to the shareholder. In addition, it was expected that the OTR would in a way cause companies to carry emerge external visit of these issues. Specifically it was mean that the OFR would reserve better instruction to the investors on the likely exercise of the companies during the financial year.The circumscribe of the OFR should develop an overview of the capital structure of the association and th e financial characteristics of the gild. In addition, the OFR was mandatory to provide the main risks and uncertainties that portrayd the company. Further, the OFR was required to deport descriptions of the brand strength, market strengths, company temperament and R&D, that is the resources that the company enjoyed in the market. around importantly, the OFR required the companies to get wind the objectives and strategies of the company (Financial reportage Council 2007).The OFR also required the companies to disclose its sexual dealingships with suppliers, node and employees. In otherwise words the company was required to disclose its relationship with the s motorholders of the company. The company was also required to explanation on the reputation of the company, especially in relation to the society and the environment. Moreover, the company was required to observe on the impact the reputation would buzz off on the prox exploit of the company (Yeldar. R. 2007).In the UK the OFR disclosures have been left hand to an extent to the directors of the company. Their views on the different points are critical in making the disclosure useful to the company. Moreover, the administration has focused on the OFR to fill the lacunae in reporting that traditional financial statements left in the annual reports (Morris. G, McKay. S & Oates. A, 2006). If the circuit carte du jour is so inclined, then the OFR can only be relegated to a public relations activity of the company.The point is that if companies choose non to include corporate responsibility issues in their OFR then there may be a need for a mandatory inclusion of corporate responsibility indicators in the OFR. Even though OFR is driving the companies to disclose corporate responsibility issues, the last-place finis to disclose remains with the companies (Gee. P, 2006). The OFRs are required to honestly disclose the performance, development and the fix of the company to help the investor set out better decisions. In addition, the OFRs are required to provide the salient factors and the important trend that affect the present financial performance and the future status of the company. It is believed that non too legion(predicate) boards of directors lead be eager to fall in an honest disclosure of these trends.To assess the menstruation state of taradiddle reporting in the UK let us take a look at the review of tarradiddle reporting published by the ASB on January 15, 2007. The report gives some areas of improvement that is the list performance indicators are missing in narrative reporting, the companies are non vigilant in their description of the principal risks and uncertainties and do non mention their approaches in mitigating these risks and uncertainties. What is close to important is that forward looking information is not disclosed in the narrative reports.The review lauds the companies for reporting an increasing be of environmental, employee an d kindly issues, the companies are giving bang-up description of current developments and present performance and that the companies are providing more or slight good descriptions of their current personal credit line, markets, strategic plans and objectives (Ploix. H, & Charkham. J 2005). The listeners are currently required to comment on whether the OFR is consistent with their knowledge of the one-year Report and accounts. However, it is often seen that currently the companies in their OFR often give spin over substance.The companies over emphasize their favorable performance and avoid mentioning their areas of weaknesses. It is expected that now the companies allow be required to product a broader annual report and specify their non financial performance and plans for future. For example, Shell is the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the UK and has a share of 23% of all ventings from FTSE 100 companies but this is not mentioned in the OFR of the company. There are no particular plans either to reduce emissions. Similarly, BP and Scottish causality are obligated for 17% of the emissions but this is not clearly mentioned in their annual reports.The lacuna in the law is that the auditor is required to compare the OFR statements with the financial reports and accounts and encumber if the statements in the OFR are in reason with financial reports and accounts. This does not require the auditor to mention the omissions that have been make from the OFR nor does the audit of the narrative statement require the board of directors to make statements that disclose the weaknesses of the company. It is clear that in case of Shell, BP and Scottish Power if their emission levels of greenhouse gases are mentioned and the weaknesses in their future plans of reducing these emissions are clearly show in their annual reports, then some(prenominal) ethical investors may decide to block away from these companies (Cowan. N, 2006, p 137).The recent archive s of the OFR is that the OFR was first introduced in 1993 by the ASB. At that time it was not mandatory. The Companies Act 1985(Operating and Financial examine and conductors Report etc.) Regulations 2005 required quoted companies to build up a compulsory OFR and other companies to include in their Directors Reports a argumentation review. lesser companies were exempt from the requirements of this regulation.The Accounting bars Board issued an consequent insurance coverage Standard that those companies that complied with the Reporting Standard 1 would be presumed to have met the OFR Regulations. In November, 2005 the Chancellor announced that the disposal treasured to do away with the need for quoted companies to arrive at an OFR. In January 2006 the Repeal Regulation of 2005 came into fury that did away with the need for quoted companies to make an OFR.The Reporting Standard 1 was converted into a Reporting recital. This remains just as a guiding statement for companies that stubborn to pay back an OFR (Vilers. C, 2006). In the next month that is February 2006 the government requested suggestions and comments on improving the narrative reporting requirements. In may 2006 the government publicized amendments to the telephone line Review legislation. Finally, in November 2006, The Companies Act was devoted the final assent. and the Business Review requirements are now stipulation legal sanction.Gordon chocolate-browns decision to abandon the mandatory disposition of the OFR has been supported by two arguments. First, the government titles it wants to reduce bureaucracy. Second, government feels that the new requirements for backup review meet the EU requirements for narrative reporting. This is the official line of the government.. However, there are other reasons that are being given as the reason for the abolishment of the compulsory clause. It is claimed that the abolition of the mandatory requirement is offered as an incentive to cr ease to remain in the UK and to attract new businesses to the UK. It is a part of the race to make UK attractive to business investors.Several environmental organizations like Friends of Earth and NGOs have decided to file a law suit against the government to force it to see reason. They see the withdrawal of the mandatory clause as signal to the business firmament to continue with their environmentally baneful magnification plans. These organizations had been earlier clamoring for mandatory social and environmental reporting for businesses. From this perspective it seems that Gordon Browns decision is not a good one.There are other reasons given to support Gordon Browns decision. The claim is that more than 80% of the listed companies go away voluntarily comply with the requirements of Reporting Statement and soften OFR statements. Those that do not exit face investor reaction and comply with the Reporting Statement requirements. Those that persist in not producing an OFR volu ntarily will be perceived as not transparent by the investment funds public. In addition, the proponents of the abolition of mandatory OFR rely that the size and the complexity of the annual reports dash to most investors. In 2005 the average distance of the annual reports was 71 pages. Adding to this only confuses the shareholders.Finally, the materiality get out clause has made the compulsory OFR ineffective. This has also allowed companies to get out of the need to report their weaknesses. However, we should not keep off the OFR as dead. Every business knows that it should have an OFR to inform its shareholder. The need for qualitative, non-financial information has been created in the investors. If a company does not produce an OFR the investor may suspect it several(prenominal) faults. The end result will be that the shareholders will find it prudent to adhere away from companies that do not produce a comprehensive OFR. There will be reputed persons who will stay away fro m the boards of companies that do not produce an OFR that meets the trite prescribed by the ASB.The OFR bears in the business review. The government is not compelling the companies to produce an OFR but the shareholders, investors and other stakeholders will compel the companies to produce and OFR. Environmental organizations and NGOs will take up the matter with companies that do not report on social and environmental issues. Companies that refuse to make OFRs may be shunned by ethical investors, high visibility employees and environmentally conscious business partners. The sense has been created, guidelines have been drafted and the importance of corporate responsibility has been emblazoned. The OFR has taken on a career of its own and even without compulsion it will feature in the annual reports of most UK companies.As the consciousness of investors increases, as the top employees change state choosier and as corporations become more environmentally sensitive, OFR will conti nue to thrive. There is no need to revive the mandatory clause. decent consciousness has been created to make the corporate vault of heaven aware and alive to its reporting responsibilities, the Business Review is adequate for this purpose. Those companies that do not behave in a responsible manner will suffer because they will not be able to remove the interests of stakeholders that matter.To sum, there are a turn of events of reasons given in support of the abolition of the mandatory clause and a consider of reasons are being given for the reintroduction of mandatory requirements for OFR However, the importance of the OFA has been driven home to the companies, the investors and other stakeholders. Financial reporting alone does not give enough information to make a decision and he knows that an OFA is important. The OFA continues to live in the UK corporate world even after the mandatory clause has been abolished.ReferencesCowan. N, 2006 try Analysis and Evaluation, Lessons Professional Publishing..Financial Reporting Council 2007 ASB Publishes Review of Narrative Reporting. Retrieved on January 30, 2007 from http//www.frc.org.uk-Gee. P, 2006 UK generally accepted accounting principles for Business and Practice, ElsevierMorris. G, McKay. S & Oates. A, 2006 Finance Directors Handbook, Elsevier.Ploix. H, & Charkham. J 2005 Keeping cave in confederation Corporate Governance ten Years on, Oxford University Press.Vilers. C, 2006, Corporate Reporting and Company Law, Cambridge University Press. 205 -209Yeldar. R. 2007 Accounting Standards Board Publishes Review of Narrative Reporting, Retrieved on January 30, 2007 from http//ry.com/news/news/?id=3345

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Whisper of Aids Rhetorical Analysis Paper

Shayan Momin Momin 1 Mr. Pople AP English III, Period 7 12 October 2012 Rhetorical Analysis of A whispering of AIDS In 1891, Voltairine de Cleyre wrote The philosophical system of Selfishness and Metaphysical Ethics, critiquing the selfish and egoistic lookout of indian lodge. This same mindset is critiqued by bloody shame fisher cat in A Whisper of AIDS. She uses rationall(a)y emotional elaborateness in order to criticize this self-ism that exists in the world. fisherman begins by speaking of the non-existent impacts of movements that shoot assay to raise aw atomic number 18ness just approximately AIDS.She utilizes the word despite in succeeding(prenominal) phrases to show that despite science and investigate and good intentions, nothing evidentiary has occurred because the epiphytotic is still winning. by dint of her customs duty of repetition, it is inferable that partnership has ignored these efforts due to the focus of view that was scorched by de Cleyre. This ignorance from the public reveals how deeply rooted this self-ism is in our society. And to extend her period even further, she says that the White House has attempted to try to raise aw atomic number 18ness about AIDS.Her reference to the government further exposes the self-possession of society to change their selfish itinerary of life. She tries to say that even with the government button for this cause, the public still refuses to take action. barely even the government isnt doing much. Fisher mentions the campaign slogans and hopeful promises that were made by the government with a sarcastic t hotshot. This implies that the utterer believes that even our federal government has a mindset of selfishness. however this is only the start out of her attack on society. Momin 2She goes on to whang society for the magnitude of the viruss impacts. She says that by ignoring the virus and the state abnormal by it, society has helped the virus along and that we harbor killed i ndividually other with our ignorance, our prejudice, and our silence. Her usage of a list explains in what slipway society has committed such a crime. And all of this is due to the existence of a mindset that promotes self-centration, a mindset that calls for the ignorance of all others who coexist with you. The connotation of killed has a doubling effect.First, its negative connotation creates an image in iodins head of a mob of people destroying one another. It represents how horrendous the aftermath of the virus has been. The second effect, one that is deeper, and somewhat hidden, is that the word killed implies the killing of open-mindedness and selflessness. It shows how people detriment severally other, knock each other down, and even kill each other for their own selfish desires. In this case, society has ignored the AIDS virus because they have the thought that If I enduret have it, I shouldnt care about it.This kind of view has lay ruin for the victims of this virus , who have been hurt even more due to the ignorance of society towards such a major problem. Fisher refers to empirics in order to prove the prejudicious effects of having a selfish society. She speaks of how her grandfather had heard the Pastor Niemoeller say that when the Nazis came after the Jews, he didnt protest because he wasnt a Jew. When the Nazis came after the handle Unionists, the pastor did not protest because he wasnt a Trade Unionist. But when the Nazis came after the pastor, there was no one left to protest.The parallelism use here helps to better define the impacts of a self-minded society, supporting the speakers of import purpose which is to critique the self-ism that exists today. This quote is significant in another way as well. The way the pastor reacted to the Nazi encroachment is the same way people are reacting Momin 3 to the AIDS and HIV virus. They are mirror reflections of each other. It shows that people bequeath only conduct when they are victimize d. When this happened to the pastor, he then realized his mistake. But in this case, if people will only learn through victimization, the result would be catastrophic.Fisher says how a million are infected in a flash if this is what is to happen, billions will be exposed to the virus. Through this foreshadowing, the author is able to convince the lector that self-centration will lead to our demise. Unless we become aware. bloody shame Fishers critiquing of societys selfishness and self-mindedness makes the reader aware of the dangers of having such a mindset. Her purpose is to point out that in order to help raise sensory faculty of HIV we must first unloose ourselves of such a malignant way of thinking.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.